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RE: Last Sunday was the homeless meal, then things got serious!

I sent you a wallet memo with details, but that account is likely the largest reason that folks don't spam with botnets and use ai to counterfeit hive from the pool.
He has his reasons, and I haven't seen any unwarranted flags from him, to this point.


He downvoted a post on feeding the homeless, I think that was unwarranted....


Some people are like that.

The sad part, is that it looks like he's not even here; and has just left the bot!


Oh, he is here, he can't post because of the flagwars, but I follow his flags, he hasn't missed a day in a long time.

Kindergarteners! Sad that the flag wars is limiting these content creators to Nothing, and destroying their joy of posting. Self assembled prison!

I'll be in shoulder repair surgery in 8 hours, but it may give me time to begin some posts again.

It does increase the hurdles we have to jump to be here, for sure.
But, without that guy chasing off the spammers there would be no point in real people even being here.
-edit- here is one: berderamd
All we would get is ai generated bs and bot posted spam.

Good luck with the surgery, I hope it helps.

A Bully is a bully, even hiding behind a keyboard. Still haven't got the urge to post again, plenty to teach; but still soul searching.

I Worked two half days there, and even with a discount (it's fun to work there) I billed over a grand. They want me back ASAP....

But we'll see. Be blessed!