Mixed Food Street at My Kampung

in Foodies Bee Hive β€’ last month

I feel lucky enough that there is a hawker place where I can choose the food that I like at that specific moment. This is the kind of experience that I value especially when I don't have a clue on what dish would I like to eat. I think it's the convenience of picking the dish that interests me is the reason why I always come back to a place like My Kampung.

Today's lunch was probably a selection of dishes that I won't get tired of choosing.

Aside from the steamed rice, I also had scrambled eggs with tomato, sauteed tofu with green stems, and a deep-fried battered fish with cereals & curry leaves.

I would say that it was a coordinated meal because each of these dishes complements each other. The taste and flavor don't overlap or counter each other. Everything is unique even and yet the flavor profile of each dish feels like they blend well with each other.

Among the 3 dishes, the one that I can say is my favorite is the deep-fried battered fish that is garnished with cereals and curry leaves.

My next favorite dish would be the sauteed with green stems. I don't really know what type of vegetable are these green stems but they taste and similarly textured as asparagus.

And then, the one that is almost always in my selection of dishes is the scrambled eggs. The thing that made it special was the addition of tomato. I'm not sure how many of the food cultures would do this recipe but it's something people should try. I think that tomatoes and eggs are a great flavor combination and it's easy to make as well.

No wonder, this stall will always have long queues!

My journey to the world of food.
