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RE: Thanksgiving Day Celebration

What a feast Hun! Holy! lol I just gained 30lbs looking at it! It all looks delish, especially the prime rib (my fave) looks cooked to perfection too 🤩.

It's always good to recognize the things to be thankful for, the have nots teach us lessons of strength, ambition and teach us how to set goals.

Thanks for sharing this meal with us. I hope you saved me a plate, I'll be there in 5 minutes.


Hehehe, I pigged out!
Well, we were just three. Our get-together started lunch and ended dinner time.
I like my Prime Rib the medium well, and it seems that you like it that way too!!!
Yes... to be grateful for everything.
And yes... I saved you a plate, hehehe!!!
Hugs and kisses @ladybug146. 🥰🌺🤙

I like it if it still has blood coming out of it, not too picky beyond that! I used to work in Northern Canada in work camps in the middle of the boreal forest. The food was terrible inmate type food, we had prime rib every 2 weeks, that is the one meal they were never able to screw up! I have a preference but I'll eat any prime rib any day any cook.

I bet you did omg all that food for 3 girls even if it was from lunch to dinner time! That's awesome for you tho, got to spend some quality girl time, a good distraction from all the 2020 madness.

We didn't to much, Canada thanks giving was a month ago or so. We did make a turkey breast and all the fixings to respectfully observe your holiday...and thanksgiving food is awesome, any excuse to have it! Take care my friend! 🥰😍

I love cooking in general, and almost always I eat home-cooked food even at work.
It comes with stacking, hehehe. Since I started stacking life, has changed!
So I'm glad I rediscovered this tag again. I subscribe earlier and never got to use it!
I am glad to share Thanksgiving with you, my friend, @ladybug146. 🥰🌺🤙

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Hi Bugs 🤩