
Good to see your cooking.

Thank you.

Saw this dish several times but never tried it.

You got to try it. This is a very good dish. You can cook it any time of the day be it rain or shine.

If you ever going to try this dish, I suggest that you cook it in its pristine/original/genuine form (instead of using tamarind fruit/powder you can use young tamarind leaves and young tamarind flowers). The water spinach is optional, I added water spinach because I am not the only one eating this dish so I need to make the dish feed more people than usual (^_^)

Thanks for the suggestions. But maybe I will skip the chicken feet; that's not my thing 😅
I also don't like water spinach.
So if I made this dish it will become like chicken clear soup, I guess.
Will try without the two items. :)

But maybe I will skip the chicken feet

Oh yes, you can entirely omit the water spinach, and chicken (I just actually added the chicken feet). Sinampalukan is always made of chicken meat.

So if I made this dish it will become like chicken clear soup, I guess.

Yes, you are correct.