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RE: Ouefs en Muerette

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago

Nicely poached egg, looks good. Nice one. You know me @edprivat if it involves decoration I must be high, Otherwise its gonna be delicious and dished out like an angry Lunch Lady at the Highschool.

Imma find another place to pillage now. Then I'm going to Appropriate the Beret and baguette and stripey shirts.

You're welcome 😁


Come to think of it, you and @leaky20 are both North invaders that are appropriating MY CULTURE.

"But I thought you considered yourself South African Ed?"

Fair enough...@rubido Well played, je m'en bas la muerette!

Mais oui, mon brave, Si tu veux en Gersois, Mila diou mi Parisienne. Voulez-vous coucher avec moi? I love hearing that Phrase in dirty Patois broken French... I shall Invade from the south as all good conquerors!

Funny come to think of it, your French is so legit IRL, especially all your swear words...

of course after so many years here If I couldn't swear... That'd be fuckin terrible...

I haven't learned how to swear yet. I can't speak the language well enough to learn swear words. I would probably accidently throw them into random sentences when I'm making an order at a restaurant or boulangerie.

It still counts 😁