Ouefs en Muerette

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago

Ouefs en Meurette


Ouefs en meurette is a classic French dish of the Burgundy region of France. It consists of poached eggs served with garlic toast and a hearty red wine sauced known as a meurette. It's typically served as an appetizer in a restaurant but also makes for a good light lunch.

Burgundy is one of the main wine producing regions of the country, along with Bordeaux and Champagne so not surprisingly, many of the classic dishes of the area use wine in their cooking - beef Bourgogne and Coq au Vin to name only a few.

The wines that that region produces tend to be fruity flavored pinot noir's and dry chardonnay's, so to keep things classic I would recommend using a pinot noir when making this dish (but really, any red wine will do for my recipe).

I should Note that this recipe is probably a little different than what you would get at a restaurant in France and that this is just my interpretation of the dish. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy.



Note: These ingredients are approximations. For me it served two people (one egg each) but there was quite a bit of sauce left over and could easily serve two more. Adjust as you wish.

Muerette Sauce

• 1.5 cups red wine
• 1 cup beef stock
• 2 Eggs
• Lardons (or bacon)
• 2 carrots
• 2 celery stalks
• 1 onion
• Herbs (thyme, parsley, bay leaf)
• Salt and pepper


• 2-4 Mushrooms
• 2 Small Carrots
• 6-8 Radishes (optional)
• 2 shallots
• A few peas (optional)
• Crusty bread
• Garlic


Start by thinly chopping the celery, carrots and onions and putting them into a pot along with the wine, beef stock, herbs, and salt and pepper.


Bring the liquid to a boil and then reduce the heat and let it simmer for 40 minutes to an hour.


While you're waiting, cook the lardons (bacon) in a separate pan and set aside when finished. I started cooking the mushrooms with the bacon but later moved them to my roasting pan.


Note: I like to mess around with presentation and usually try to make things look pretty, so I cooked the vegetables separately from the sauce and place them in the sauce after it was done. I added celery to the dish as well but I don't recommend it. The texture of the roasted celery was too chewy and stringy.

Cut 2 small carrots and 2 shallots in half and place them on a baking sheet along with the radishes and mushrooms and roast them until cooked. I cooked them at a medium-high temperature for about 40 minutes.


Near the end of the cooking time, make two poached eggs.

Bring water to a very light boil and then reduce until barely bubbling. Add vinegar to the water and swirl and gently drop your eggs in it. You want the eggs to be cooked on the outside but runny on the inside, so cook for 3 minutes and 20 seconds then set them aside on paper towel to dry.

Note: Some people poach the eggs in the sauce itself but this turns the eggs red which is less appealing (in my opinion) and also adds an additional challenge/risk in that the eggs could break in the sauce which might ruin it. Or the sauce may it not be deep enough in the pan to poach the eggs. For those reasons I think it's easier and better to just poach them separately.

You also need to make your garlic toast at some point by cutting your crusty bread and rubbing garlic on it. Pop it in the oven to toast, checking periodically to make sure that it's not burning.


After 40 minutes to an hour, drain the vegetables from the sauce and set it aside. To thicken the sauce, melt butter and add some flower to it and mix until smooth. Then add the sauce to the butter flour combination and bring it back to a light boil in order to reduce and thicken.


When the sauce is thickened and the vegetables are cooked, assemble the dish how you wish. I served the eggs on top of the toast with the vegetables around.

Thats it. Enjoy!


Well, that's it for now. Let me know your thoughts on the recipe. Questions and comments are always welcome. Until next time, thanks for stopping by.


Nice recipe. I much prefer the hearty old-fashioned French cooking over this nouvelle cuisine crap :-) Did you know cooking is good unemployment insurance? Just look at the want ads - cooks are always in short supply.

Yeah that's understandable. I think I like both. Traditional is always comforting and delicious but I also like the experience of new techniques and presentations on occasion.

Just look at the want ads - cooks are always in short supply.

It's probably because of the terrible hours. All nights and every weekends. I'm actually surprised when the high ranking chefs have families with kids. When do they see them? You really have to love cooking to be a great chef because you're basically married to your work. I definitely respect the dedication.

Oh stop it now... 😁 Even newsflash was like "Oh hell no!This is too much cash!!" hahaha seriously though I am impressed with your skills, @rubido what do you think? The whole placing the veggies on the baking tray is a little bit Dexter for me, but I have to admit that it looks like alchemy.
I might even daresay, that travelling around my dear country and pillaging our places of pilgrimage might not be your main vocation after all, maybe you were a masterchef all along.😁

I'll send a chicken your way @leaky20 to see what you can do with it!

Nicely poached egg, looks good. Nice one. You know me @edprivat if it involves decoration I must be high, Otherwise its gonna be delicious and dished out like an angry Lunch Lady at the Highschool.

Imma find another place to pillage now. Then I'm going to Appropriate the Beret and baguette and stripey shirts.

You're welcome 😁

Come to think of it, you and @leaky20 are both North invaders that are appropriating MY CULTURE.

"But I thought you considered yourself South African Ed?"

Fair enough...@rubido Well played, je m'en bas la muerette!

Mais oui, mon brave, Si tu veux en Gersois, Mila diou mi Parisienne. Voulez-vous coucher avec moi? I love hearing that Phrase in dirty Patois broken French... I shall Invade from the south as all good conquerors!

Funny come to think of it, your French is so legit IRL, especially all your swear words...

of course after so many years here If I couldn't swear... That'd be fuckin terrible...

I haven't learned how to swear yet. I can't speak the language well enough to learn swear words. I would probably accidently throw them into random sentences when I'm making an order at a restaurant or boulangerie.

Yeah I'm not going to lie the $60 down vote hurt a little, but then again, I also didn't expect the post to do this well so, fair.

I really like cooking. Especially poached eggs so this one was a must try for me once I heard about it. I like to learn new recipes as well and French recipes seem fitting. We North Americans are known for our mad, "culture appropriation" skillz 😉😏🤫😂

Are you going to send the bird by air mail?


I only said that to cheer you up, because I know it would have hurt me too! Don't take it personnally, what you can tell yourself to make yourself feel better, is that nobody...Absolutely nobody ever made that much with an egg on hive, even your current payout is bloody good.
Listen, we're happy that you're appropriating our culture, you're good at it, probably better than most of us.

Are you going to send the bird by air mail?

Fly little chicken

I've been downvoted by them before. It's all part of the blockchain experience haha.

Absolutely nobody ever made that much with an egg on hive

Lmao 🤣 that's hilarious. So is the gif selection. That's a real gem. I can't tell if it's dropping feather or bullets. I like to think that it's bullets though because it seems much more random to me. Lol

Dude now I feel so stupid, and scared it will happen to me one day.

I am not talking about farting bullets, about the downvote. You would have deserved 200 Hive! This is high culinary shit, and you didn't even use shitty wine, but the best stuffs! The bottle itself cost more than the post!!!

The wine is actually a lie haha. I didn't use the bottle from the photo. I used a cheaper cooking wine. That bottle looked nice and it was a pinot noir so I put it in the shot hahaha.

My whole life is a lie!!!!!


Plot Twist:

@leaky20 doesn't even do the hikes himself and his cousins are taking the pics... 😁

My father is from Burgondy, I did not expected to upvote "oeufs en meurette" on a blockchain, one day!
We used to eat them with baked potatoes.

My version is probably quite different than how a local would make it. Its just my interpretation based on recioes I read online. I'd like to try it at a restaurant but I haven't seen it on a menu yet. I do want to visit Beaune though in the near future so I hope to see it then and give it a go - see how close I came. It would be good with baked potatoes. I plan to try and make it again sometime so I may try that next time.

It looks so yummy, @leaky20 ! And for a non-French person you are doing absolutely great! Thank you for the amazing post! 😍

Thanks, I appreciate it 😀

Your post inspired me to roast different vegetables and try that wine reduction -muerette sauce with veggies. I miss fresh mushrooms like the ones you have. Beautiful plating by the way.

Let me know how it turns out if you do. :)

Eggs with wine sauce..now this is something totally new for me!

It was new for me as well but definitely worth a try. It's basically beef Bourgogne with poached eggs instead of beef lol.

Hahaha eggs instead of beef....oookay...I can imagine many meat lovers raising their brows just thinking about it lol. I know that french cuisine is fancy. I once tried potato gratin, a sort of baked potatoes with cheese and cream, I took the recipe from a magazine. I know that the french also eat escargots aka snails. Have you tried?

I've tried potato gratin, it's quite common here. I've tried escargot as well. Snails doused in butter and garlic a cheese. What's not to love?! 😂
Some people don't like the texture though. I've had frogs legs as well which were also pretty good.

Ay ay ay....never tried...those snails would have to be cooked in such a way I would not be able to tell which is which..

Wow it's look so good for a light lunch, I never heard about this recipe but I went only in the camargue and on the alsace region in France so I don't know much about French cuisine, but it lol so fancy!

There are so many different specialty foods in France and each region has its own dishes so it's impossible to know them all. This one is a little less common then some of the others as well so I don't think many people would be familiar with it. I just learned of it recently from a coworker from the region.

Holy crap that looks good. As not a big fan of traditional French cuisine this does actually seem like something which is doable to make and looks tasty.

Good going there!

It's definitely doable and worth it if you like French cuisine.

Well often I I found the drowned veggies a miss-hit in the French kitchen (no offense, I have respect for the mother of all kitchens ;) ) like what you would have in a for instance the boeuf bourguignon.

but these oven veggies..that is the winner!

Yeah I know what you mean. Sometimes I find the veggies to be overcooked in some dishes. They turn to mush sometimes. I like there to still be some texture and crunch.

Its so interesting dishes and I've never seen food like this before. Thank you for share good recipes.

You're welcome. Thanks for checking it out :)

What a unique food 😍

Yes it's quite different. It was fun to make.

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seems complicated to prepare, however you can try, thanks

It's not too complicated - maybe somewhere between a beginner dish and intermediate?

I can't tell if it was a compliment or a complain?

My comment or theirs?
I never complain about French food....
Except for that one time that I ordered Andouillette without knowing what it was. That was the only dish I've eaten in France that I didn't care for. But then again, I had it twice more afterwards. Hahaha

Nono his, he was saying it's complicated haha.

Haha yeah. I'll just take it as a compliment.