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RE: Precipice of defeat: Bleach

in CineTV • 2 years ago

Thanks for sharing and for reminding me to watch this anime.
I cosplayed Rukia before, never knew she is a shinigami. 😂 Yes, I cosplayed her even without knowing her character or anything about the anime.
I should definitely watch Bleach soon. Is the anime already finished?


Ohh and yes, it’s finished officially.
Which is why after almost 10 years I started again! And I am glad I did the more I proceed

Oh nice, then it's time to watch 😅

Uhh I see.
But it feels another level of accomplishment when you play the character after knowing it.
So after watching bleach, when next time you play I am sure you will feel it in bones 🥳

It happened as the same for me when I cosplayed "Akame" from "Akame Ga Kill"

Btw, very pleased to meet you! It still excites me knowing Anime-fans like before.😇

That I couldn't agree more! It would be different cosplaying a character that you know so well.

I don't cosplay anymore. I'm too old for that. 😂 But I do enjoy watching people cosplay. My time for cosplaying is already over.

Nice to meet you too!

Ayee don't say that.
You never run out of characters regardless age 😆
I even plan some day to cosplay even in my 50s! Who knows, I might do well as Tsunade at that age 😂
Even dream of getting married and having a child to cosplay Kushina-naruto-Minato 😂

Oh my! That's really something!
Nice bucket list. I would love to see that in the future. 😅
As for me.. hmm, I need to do weight loss first or else I can't cosplay the characters I want to cosplay.

Same goes for me 😶
Too much weight loose is necessary.
But after watching younger people for a long time, I started believing that age, weight, height is not much of a barrier as we give credit for.
Especially inside the community we find a greater acceptance.
Good luck to both you and me 🥳

Tell me more 😮 if u cosplayed, u at least have to know character right!?
Then how did you do it!

It resembles with me as well.
I started adore Kenpachi Zaraki the same way. Didn’t know him at all but liked him the most even before starting to watch 😆

How far did you watch before dropping!?

I haven't watched a single episode. I just know about this anime from my peers. They were watching the anime, and told me to cosplay Rukia because we have a resemblance. My friend is also my mentor in cosplaying so basically I was just following her instructions 😅 I saw some photos of the anime though so I have an idea how they look like.