in Education4 years ago

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Long, long ago in the Kingdom of Kanga, a bad disease broke out and affected many people. The chief consulted every oracle and all the wise men to find out what kind of disease was attacking many of his subjects but no one could come out with the answer.
Finally, the chief called his subjects together and announced that all those who already had the disease should leave his kingdom and find themselves another place to live.

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His sick subjects cried out, pleading that they should be given a chance to recover but the chief would not hear of this. The next day, the poor, sick people sadly set out on their journey to an unknown destination.

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Not long after they left the kingdom, they saw an old woman sitting by the roadside carrying a sack on her head. She had been crying for a long time.
“What is wrong?” One of the subjects inquired.
“I was cursed by the wicked ghost to carry this heavy sack because I would not let her take away my grandchild. I am so weak but I cannot put this sack down.”
The people held a quick meeting and decided to help the old woman put down the sack. As soon as the sack was put down, it opened up, releasing a lot of bees. These bees flew straight to the kingdom of Kanga. The chief and his remaining subjects were strung by the bees.

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The old woman brought out a portion out of her personal belongings. Each person drank the portion and became well. Then the woman took them to her own kingdom where they all lived happily as her subjects.