Steps to Creating an Active Learning Environment

in Education2 years ago (edited)


One of the important indicators in achieving maximum educational targets is active students. It's useless if a skilled teacher explains every detail of the lesson, but students who listen are not active to learn. So that student activity is very influential on the quality of education produced.

The Definition of active student learning?

Student activity is a condition, activity, and also the behavior that we find in students. We can mark this by the involvement of students during the learning process. We can see this involvement from asking questions, opinions, or doing each task in a timely manner.

In addition, we can see the activeness of students from the way they work together with one another.

As I wrote above, student activity becomes an important element in the learning process, because this will affect the success of education itself. more active students then the learning outcomes we get will be very maximal.

In addition, student activity in the learning process can stimulate and develop the talents possessed by students, and can also train students to think critically, and can solve problems in everyday life.


The active form of students can be seen from two things, :

  • The first is psychic active,
    which is characterized by an active soul in processing the information received. In this psychic activity includes things such as senses, emotions, reason, and also student memory.

  • the second active form is physically active.
    As the name implies, this physical activity consists of several things related to the student's physical, among others are taking notes, reading, discussing with other students or with the teacher, and others.

active learning process indicators

To apply and make students more active in following the learning process, then we must know the important indicators in active learning. So what are the indicators of student learning activity? Looking at some of the data I got, the indicator of student activity consists of three main things, namely.

  • active in planning:
    the involvement of students in formulating learning objectives according to their needs and abilities as well as their experience and motivation as a material consideration in determining learning activities.

  • active in the learning process:
    student involvement physically, mentally, emotionally, and intellectually in every learning process. This can be seen from the high attention and motivation of students to complete each task given in accordance with the allotted time.

  • active in learning evaluation
    The involvement of students to evaluate their own learning outcomes that have been done.

Those are some important things related to an active learning process. Hopefully this can spur the teacher's motivation in teaching and invite students to be more active in participating in the learning process.




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