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RE: ok, aliens exists.. now what?

in Deep Dives3 years ago

its fun stuff.
we don't need to speculate though.
All we know is all we know (Which Russell points out is NOTHING!hehe)
Someone may keep a secret from you, in which case your 'knowing' will be limited. Someone may lie to you, in which case, again your 'knowing' will be limited. Discovering what appears to be a truth will often open whole new avenues of unknowing, and often those discovered truths will look like half-truths in hindsight. The nature of truth and knowing seem to change as we grow so what worth is there in a pursuit of truth and knowing outside of our direct current experience? The world of miraculous wonder is right here, right now, being directly experienced by all life and consciousness. Speculate on what was, what may be and what may come to be all you like, but the anxious and excitable machinations of the mind will do nothing but hold you fast in a prison outside of your self. I state that as if it was true, when of course Ive already obliterated the concept of truth for myself earlier in the paragraph .... so do with that what you will.
I suppose what Im trying to say, which is mostly what I am trying to tell myself, but I will share it with you anyway in case it is of any worth, is..... why care whether there are aliens or not?
Why care whether we get to mars? Why care whether anything? Why care whether we are happy or sad? Whether we live or die? What possible reason is there to concern ourselves with any of these trivial speculations when in fact our most undeniably perfect experience of existence (and our perfect connection to that experience) is in wholly attending the current moment without temporal or spacial or conceptual discrimination? Whether it be pleasurable or otherwise...
Im not suggesting nihilism, or complete non-action, or some kind of masochistic endurance of negative circumstance, Im suggesting Deepest Acceptance of what is, and Effortless Furtherance in to the next unpredictable, undeniably perfect moment of deepest acceptance and effortless furtherance etc.
I realise Ive gone way off topic here. Everything seems to lead me towards this concept at the moment. I think it might be enlightenment of a sort, but I couldnt say, Im not quite there yet! haha
Probably should have made a post instead of spamming yours, but I cant seem to post anymore. I only seem to respond to others. So thankyou for this inspiration!
Big love to you x x And PEACE. Strawberry fields for ever, and all that jazz


i have to let this beautiful comment sink in a bit. wow
thank you for this

your comment reminds me of a time MANY years ago when i sat under a great banyan meditation tree in the Ashram of Sai Baba in India.. I was sitting there meditating with some angst, and looked over to see one European man sitting in what looked like some kind of bliss,. I had seen him around many times, and he was always sitting in DEEP MEDITATION, glowing like a candle and emanating great bliss..

It was then that i realised for myself that whilst for some that may be just perfect.. i had the rest of time to do this myself.. I felt that rather than sit back and enjoy never ending bliss, i had come here to help people and the world. As perfect as it may be, there are so many who suffer, and my role here in this world is to do what i can so that all beings may be happy :)

It does sound like you are discovering something beautiful.. that inner knowing of perfection.. it transcends all other things because it is so amazing.. enjoy it brother!! such a pleasure to meet u! x