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RE: There is no avoiding World War 3. You have been in it. The question is do you fight, or surrender?

in Deep Diveslast year

In my day to day job I haven't been quite quitting. I still do my job. Yet I have no desire to advance, or increase the things I do. I do a lot already. More than someone in my position normally does in other companies. We are a small and tight team and each of us do far more than we should. It turns out this leaves us vulnerable to other problems. What happens when one of the important people to your team is removed for stupid reasons rather than accidental ones?

It is this thinking that was the seed of this post.

As to what we can do. I am still trying to figure that out myself.

I did move my family out of the city over a year ago and I am trying to get more of my own food and hopefully soon chickens going but with a 40+ hour a week job, and on call 24x7 every other week it is hard to motivate myself. I also haven't been super successful in motivating my other family members to push the projects to completion.

I do feel like I am in a safer place.

I am just trying to plan for as many contingencies I can.

The way things are going I kind of see us entering a new dark ages of sort. If this ends up true then my goal will be to try to get some of my progeny to live to reach the hopeful other side of the darkness and perhaps preserve what ideas and knowledge I can.

I write a lot. I share that hoping it will add to the world.

Yet if something happens to this network, electricity, etc. The vast bulk of my important works as far as I see them are GONE. POOF.

It does make the ancients seem wise for putting so many things into stone.

If there is time, and there may not be I may try to compile some ideas I've had and perhaps others into a limited print book that I at least can give to my progeny. That way I don't just POOF disappear if my digital footprint disappears.


I tend to agree with your point in terms of work. I still manage to bring my A-Game and, in fact I’m also on a small team of engineers in the marine control field, so I feel that same impact you describe.

I also work really hard at home. I make my kids’ school lunches, pack their book bags and take care of the dogs before I leave for work at 0530, and I do teeth and bath time, homework, bedtime etc after work, and dishes/kitchen cleanup after bedtime.

…so one could argue that I’m just tired, but it’s not that. All the things listed above are labors of love. Sometimes they do leave me pretty drained, but that’s all that is.

What bothers me is wondering, if it’s this bad now, what horrible sin have I committed by being forth a new generation of children to suffer this shit? Do they stand even so much as a chance? The evil powers at work in this world are so great, it’s terrifying to look at my beautiful children and wonder what life will be like for them.

I agree also about trying to preserve things. For posterity, as well as for myself. I’m still living through a great struggle, always teetering on the edge between darkness and light. Everything in equal part and measure. All of my good is in a near perfect dance of conservation with all my bad, the more I cultivate and build my light, the deeper I plunge into darkness when I shift phases. Still haven’t managed to change my spiritual current from AC to DC, which has become increasingly scary for me as I see myself swinging further and further out of control with each shift.

…not sure how relevant much of this is now that it’s written, but I’m just gonna throw it out there. Thanks for the insightful article and response man, stay well.

what horrible sin have I committed by being forth a new generation of children to suffer this shit?

You haven't committed a sin at all. It is the ONLY way humans can survive. Someone must exist to reach the light at the other side of the darkness. Your children may struggle but they are still needed. For knowledge to continue, for humans to have a chance in the future we must have children and we must share what we know.

I didn’t know how much I needed to hear that until I did.