Dodgy Data for Dirty Dollars Part Deux: A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Even Trump seems to have thrown reason away in favor of an undiscovered and unproven vaccine that will be forced on us all without proper vetting — after all, that’s what “warp speed” is

By Richard J. Quitliano
Editorialist & NewsHawk

WASHINGTON, DC (@ZENINEWS) — In Part 1 of our series “Dodgy Data for Dirty Dollars” we examined how the Bayh-Dole Act would inevitably lead to the destruction of legitimate science. By bringing money into the equation it gave rise to the milieu that corrupt people such as Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates operate, using money to control scientific outcomes and controlling the narrative surrounding it — effectively silencing and destroying anyone who steps outside of a rigorously defended paradigm.

The result of falsified data, unscrupulous “scholarship,” and predesignated outcomes has made billions of dollars for the unholy axis of government, Big Pharma, and “philanthropic” NGOs such as the Rockefeller and Gates Foundations. The flip-side of this phenomenon has been bogus vaccines pushed on an unaware populace that has resulted in increased incidences of autism, depressed auto-immune systems, paralysis, and death. Fauci’s control of AIDs research at the NIAID and his subsequent suppression of legitimate scholarship resulted in millions of unnecessary deaths worldwide.

Fauci’s control over the CV-19 outbreak has led to the destruction of a vibrant economy, nationwide shutdowns and lockdowns, draconian measures taken by governors that have shredded the Constitution and imposed unlawful edicts — all based on bogus scholarship, the computer model from London’s Imperial College, mentioned in part 1. This “scholarship” is what drives public policy and when it comes to public health this power is vested in a small coterie of corrupt individuals who have used this power to corrupt the institutions within which they’re associates — all to benefit Big Pharma and equally corrupt NGOs — all to the detriment of public health.

Mandatory Vaccines

President Trump has jumped onto the mandatory vaccine bandwagon it seems, spearheading Operation Warp-Speed and appointing a “Vaccine Czar” to oversee the military forcing these vaccines on the public — all at the behest of people like Fauci and Gates. Fauci being the head of the NIAID is particularly culpable. He’s an ideologically-driven political animal with a Napoleon complex who’s friends with Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. His shutting down of the country was likely more politically motivated than out of any genuine concerns for public health. One needs to but look at what he did to Dr. Judy Mikovits and her research during the AIDs epidemic during the 1980s to see just how corrupt and in the pocket of Big Pharma he really is. And now he’s using his power to push a Gates-controlled vaccine.

“One of the nation’s most hated deep state tool bags at this point, Fauci exposes himself as a wolf in sheep’s clothing just a little bit more with each passing day. And now that we know the guy works for Bill Gates and Big Pharma, the cat is pretty much out of the bag as to his true intentions – but are enough people paying attention?”

“While feigning expertise in the area of virology, Fauci continues to use his platform to push a vaccine on the public that doesn’t even yet exist. Fauci is also vehemently opposed to all other potential treatment options, including inexpensive remedies that already exist and are being used elsewhere in the world with notable success.”1

Whatever happened to the HCQ protocol that’s been a proven treatment for the China Flu? Even Trump seems to have thrown it over in favor of an undiscovered and unproven vaccine that will be forced on us all without proper vetting — after all, that’s what “warp speed” is, bypassing the FDA’s lengthy testing for efficacy and safety. Operation Warp-Speed is about two things, money, and control, it has nothing to do with public health. If public health was the concern, we’d all be getting HCQ.

The Gates Factor

Just like Fauci, Bill Gates has no interest in public health, only money and control and Dodgy Data for Dirty Dollars is the vaccine superhighway to both. Legitimate scholarship be damned, there’s a public health crisis which means there are billions to be made from it — we should know, we manufactured it, should be the rallying cry of Gates, Fauci and Big Pharma (along with their political allies in China, the WHO, and US government).

“As it turns out, Fauci quietly sits on the Leadership Council of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Vaccine Action Plan, which is currently reaching the finality of its so-called “Decade of Vaccines” initiative that began in 2010. This fully explains why he’s gone all-in for a future Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine, and why he’s signaled that Americans will continue to be held hostage until they agree to get it.”

“Like Gates, Fauci stands to make millions from the release of a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine, which seems to have been the agenda all along. He probably wasn’t expecting President Trump to ever make any mention of hydroxychloroquine, nor did he anticipate anything other than full compliance from the American people, who’ve been scared to death by this social engineering experiment, also known as 9/11 2.0.”2

The American people would be better served to be scared to death of this social engineering experiment than by it. This is only the beginning.

“But Fauci’s cover has been blown, and everyone who’s paying attention can now see him for the rat he is. The guy only cares about forcing a vaccine on you and couldn’t care less whether you live or die in the process, just like his buddy Bill Gates.”3

Which begs the question: Now that Fauci has been exposed, why does Trump keep him around?

Because this is about power and control, not about public health — it never was. Now there’s a group of billionaires and scientists who have come together to offer their “expertise” on COVID-19 to the Trump administration.

Apparently there has been such a group operating behind the scenes, but very unlike the original Manhattan Project, it’s a private sector initiative, funded by a tiny network of ultra-rich industry titans working closely with government contacts. Meet “the secret group of scientists and billionaires pushing Trump on a Covid-19 plan” profiled in a lengthy Wall Street Journal investigation Monday:

These scientists and their backers describe their work as a lockdown-era Manhattan Project, a nod to the World War II group of scientists who helped develop the atomic bomb. This time around, the scientists are marshaling brains and money to distill unorthodox ideas gleaned from around the globe.

They call themselves Scientists to Stop Covid-19, and they include chemical biologists, an immunobiologist, a neurobiologist, a chronobiologist, an oncologist, a gastroenterologist, an epidemiologist, and a nuclear scientist. Of the scientists at the center of the project, biologist Michael Rosbash, a 2017 Nobel Prize winner, said, “There’s no question that I’m the least qualified.”4

These are just the sort of people that impress President Trump, there’s even a representative from Goldman Sach… talk about dodgy data. Their recommendations include:

Experimenting with treatments utilizing powerful anti-Ebola drugs in heavier dosages.
The possibility of renaming the virus “SARS-2,” after the 2003 China animal virus, so that the connection is better made in the public mind with a deadly disease: “the name sounded scarier and might get more people to wear face masks. They dropped it.”
The group considers Hydroxychloroquine, long a focus of interest and debate in Trump administration circles, to be “a long shot at best”.
The team has looked negatively on recent efforts to push antibody testing and ‘immunity passports’ that show recovery from the virus.
They’ve sought to reduce FDA hurdles and red tape in order to get potential successful drugs out faster, especially to streamline hoped-for ‘miracle’ cures.
The WSJ emphasizes further: “The scientists had in their research identified monoclonal antibody drugs that latch onto virus cells as the most promising treatment.”
A saliva test which is easy to administer with ultra-fast results is being pursued, one that offices and companies could utilize to make sure employees come into work virus-free each day.
Tech like smartphone apps to help track and gauge symptoms is a major focus.
The scientists are also helping to craft state and national reopening strategies for the near and long-term.5
Impressive. Renaming it will certainly make it go away — it’s worked so well for socialism every time it’s been tried. Their condemnation of HCQ speaks volumes about their intent. This is just another group competing for dirty dollars, their concerns have nothing to do with public health. This group has described their efforts as a “Manhattan Project-like” effort — the same thing that Trump’s new Operation Warp-Speed panel is describing themselves as.

“A former Big Pharma executive and a four-star General have just been appointed by President Trump to lead a “Manhattan project-style effort to develop a vaccine for the novel coronavirus.” The effort, called Operation Warp Speed, has set a goal to create 300 million doses of a non-existent vaccine by January.”

“Moncef Slaoui, who used to run research and development for the world’s largest vaccine company, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), oversaw the development of an Ebola vaccine in tandem with the American National Institutes of Health (NIH) and a biotech firm the company had acquired two years earlier, that was distributed in the West African nation of Liberia in 2015. Slaoui joined the board of directors of the Human Vaccines Project in 2018; a public-private partnership that intends to “accelerate the development of vaccines and immunotherapies against major global diseases” and counts with the participation of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world, including Sanofi Pasteur, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and, of course, GSK.”6

GlaxoSmithKline, I remind the reader, is the same company responsible for paralyzing over 500k people in India and Africa with Gates-sponsored vaccines for polio and other diseases. Good results are never the product of dodgy data or science that has been corrupted by dirty dollars.

Yesterday, President Donald Trump revealed that a decision had been made to mobilize the U.S. military to deliver mass vaccinations across the country. The “massive job,” however, still has no discernable vaccine yet to inject into the American population “at the end of the year.” Trump’s group of medical advisors, including NIAID director, Anthony Fauci, are skeptical that any such vaccine can be developed in the next 12 to 18 months.

With over 110 COVID-19 vaccines in development – only eight of which have entered human trials – the race to be the vaccine chosen for deployment by the ASPR in the forthcoming potentially compulsory vaccination of more than 300 million people has many people seeing green.7

Now factor into this how these studies and trials are typically manipulated and distorted to show positive results as discussed in part 1. It will also be corrupt, profit-motivated individuals (Fauci and Gates) and corrupted institutions making the decisions that will ultimately be taken up by the government. President Trump can only make decisions based on the information he is given — and if it’s dodgy data driven by dirty dollars, it’s likely to lead to undesirable consequences for the public; but not, of course, for those who stand to profit. This will inevitably lead to the contact tracing, isolation, interrogation and ultimately quarantine of millions, the topic of part 3.

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