
Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for.

It happens with a lot of 3speak videos embedded this way in Peakd

Ps. I just edited all the links to include &autoplay=false and now they are just links in Peakd and not embedded.

I like how they auto embed with just using the link, I just can't stand the autoplay.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"  allow="accelerometer; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

like this

I just did it with the iframe tag and it comes back with this when it loads the page:


So I'll temporarily put it back to just the links until I get a reply from you.

ps. I'm learning to like the babbling of all the videos at once, it's kind of surreal... 😂

Interesting that the autoplay dosen't happen on mobile... It may be that peakd's parser isn't set up to deal with multiple URL parameters. Try putting it in this order ?autoplay=false&v=author/permlink

I like the babbling as well, sounds like the start of some mad doomsday news collage.

Ok, i tried it as the link and also in the iframe tag. The link doesn't embed with this extra code and the iframe comes up with a similar error as I supplied before.

So, maybe I'll just leave it for now. Possibly the Peakd person I tagged in another comment on this thread will come and have a look.

Anyways, I appreciate you taking the time to try and sort this bug out.

ps. Glad we have the same sense of humour... haha