
Edit your iframes so that the src's point to


It should be turned off by default though so this may be a bug.

Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for.

It happens with a lot of 3speak videos embedded this way in Peakd

Ps. I just edited all the links to include &autoplay=false and now they are just links in Peakd and not embedded.

I like how they auto embed with just using the link, I just can't stand the autoplay.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"  allow="accelerometer; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

like this

I just did it with the iframe tag and it comes back with this when it loads the page:


So I'll temporarily put it back to just the links until I get a reply from you.

ps. I'm learning to like the babbling of all the videos at once, it's kind of surreal... 😂

Interesting that the autoplay dosen't happen on mobile... It may be that peakd's parser isn't set up to deal with multiple URL parameters. Try putting it in this order ?autoplay=false&v=author/permlink

I like the babbling as well, sounds like the start of some mad doomsday news collage.

Ok, i tried it as the link and also in the iframe tag. The link doesn't embed with this extra code and the iframe comes up with a similar error as I supplied before.

So, maybe I'll just leave it for now. Possibly the Peakd person I tagged in another comment on this thread will come and have a look.

Anyways, I appreciate you taking the time to try and sort this bug out.

ps. Glad we have the same sense of humour... haha

Can you click on it like you would a GIF or click refresh?

I mean how to stop it inline in the embed in the writing of the post. At the moment there's a few going on at once as soon as I look at the post.

I've simply pasted the link to the video. I'm sure there's a little bit of code to stop autoplay.

Is the embedded version different than the video player on the 3Speak website? I have not seen the external 3Speak video player version. Where can I go to find one?

I'm using and not PeakD or other Hive apps. I clicked on the 3speak video to play it and it took me to their website. Bottom-left corner is the pause button, two vertical rectangles or lines. Looks like the 9/11 World Trade Center. Click on it and then it turns into a triangle for the play symbol.

Screenshot at 2020-09-15 01:07:08 3speak.png

I use Peakd and simply by placing the link it creates an embedded vid player for 3speak like with YouTube links. This video then autoplays.

So, you're not asking about where the pause/play button is? Can you look inside the settings of your web browser? Could it be a setting there that is causing video to autoplay? Could it be a setting in PeakD?

Screenshot at 2020-09-15 01:30:47.png

Youtube videos embedded the same way do not autoplay.

Yeah, I went to again, went to a random post containing an embedded 3speak video and it autoplayed in my Firefox web browser.


But it did not autoplay on Dissenter.

I can stop autoplay in the settings of the web browser.