
laughed my freaking non silicone ass off

reblogging because this is actually TRUE, sorry to burst the bubbles of whoever is making bubbles to burst but this is true.
Oh and to the silicone sex dolls that may or may not break glass ceilings.....You go Girl!

...'The truth is in the rain'.....or is that 'the truth is in the piss take'?

Either way, it involves liquid...

Golden Showers brings Bloggers Flowers!
....that's my motto as a super influencer said nobody ever :)

....are you kidding me?...Ooohhhh....different market....

wait are you allowed to have fun on here or does that need to be approved or something? I get confused at times between this place and an H.O.A., my bad
wait again!!!! Are you dare saying blogging all the time isn't a legit career, lmfao

There seems to be a correlation between stake size and any ability to smile....
Which is really funny, if you think about - there ain't nothing like a boring environment to keep people away (and reduce token price).

HOA? _ don't be cryptic - end of my day, here- my 3 brain cells are tired..

I joined steem originally to see if I could make $15 a day , as I could leave my 'other businesses' behind, and live off it.
Seriously - that would be enough ...all bills and food - for me, my partner , our dog.
I tried....

I wasn't looking for legit career- just to write some shit and make enough to live.(not sobbing - my other business make more than enough - still annoying though..)

HOA stands for Home Owners Association, in my COMMUNITY CALLED THE HOOD, I explain these issues awhile ago and they are forever emblazoned on the chain of block.
15 a day? doooooooooood, just start sending whales noodz, call it art, find a sugar daddy or sugar mama and BOOM, you are now a full time blogger, how exciting!

..and thanks!