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RE: Some Research and Thoughts about Hermits, Solitude and Hikikomori [EN - FR]

in ecoTrain2 years ago

I have heard that Ardèche is beautiful, judging by your photos it is.
it reminds me a lot of Mallorca, where I lived before and the shepherd´s shelter looks a lot like the huts of the "carboneros" the coal makers who spent most their time alone in the woods, except the times when they went down to the markets to sell their coal.
your tendency for solitude caught my attention. I recently learned about Starseeds (you can look up this term or look up the three waves of volunteers as called by Dolores Cannon). I do not know how spiritual you are but I sense depth and sensitivity in you. one of the most common of starseeds is the need for solitude..! hence Hermit..
I suspect I am one, knowing what I know now and it indeed explain a lot about my need for solitude, being a rebel and much more.


@oniemaniego that could be true in your case too.
abundance on this earth is a birth right. we´ve just been trained to believe in scarcity. maybe your need for stashing comes from that ; )

Maybe being a 'farmer' was engraved in my DNA as my maternal ancestors were farmers, that personal assessment includes the 'urge' to keep tools and manage upkeep. So my idea of being a hermit also includes bare necessities as much as possible.

As for people living in poverty or in middle class, fasting/scarcity can be a norm and even scientifically studied to temporarily decrease intelligence overtime. This form of hunger for basic necessities can lure them to the pit of consumerism/capitalism.

For people like the Buddha, living as upper class definitely hit him differently that's why he stumbled into the path of enlightenment.

I would consider myself a misanthrope, but as humans we outgrow our stereotypes, so right now I have a better understanding of human psychology versus five years ago. Studying human behavior definitely helps in becoming a better contributor to the society instead secluding oneself.

I should be researching more about this hermit topic because I have formed so many thoughts that are already deviating from the original topic 😅

It is indeed a beautiful region. In truth, while still living in Paris, any place with more trees seems to me peaceful and sumptuous !
I think you have just opened the door to a whole new dimension for me..! I had never heard of this before and from the little research I've been able to do since I saw your message, it really seems to make sense !
I will dig deeper about this, but from what I read... I had the prominent impression that, in a way, those descriptions were talking about me since I'm alive !
Really a big thanks you 💫
ps : if you have some pictures of those huts of "carboneros", I would be interested a lot to see some. It makes me think that I would do well to look for studies on this type of "primitive" and vernacular habitat in Europe... After that, the must for me remains the Masai huts made of dried dung and that the rain makes return to the earth...
Thanks again and have a nice evening :)

I just found about starseeds a couple of days ago and I felt the same as you. felt as finally something explains everything. it seems that we are being "activated", or coming out of the amnesia and we rejoin the tribe. the more I investigate, the more convinced I am.
you will likely find Ismael Perez and his work very relevant and interesting in this context. I just ordered his book. fascinating information.

unfortunately I do not have any photos from these huts in Mallorca. I spent so much time in the "Serra de Tramuntana" among them, even sleeping in them, they became banal. I only carry them in my memory.

Yes, I will also continue on my side... But it really seems to make sense if we also assume that all life on this Earth is of stellar origin !
Thank you for this beautiful sharing and this screenshot which confirms again the way I have always felt... Don't hesitate to share future information with me, which I will certainly do on my side :)
Yes, we live in such a world of images that it's often better not to take too many and to keep things clearer in the workings of our brain.
Good day to you

Thanks you for the share, I will take some time to watch it fully but I will ;-)

Have a nice day !
