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RE: Some Research and Thoughts about Hermits, Solitude and Hikikomori [EN - FR]

in ecoTrain2 years ago

@oniemaniego that could be true in your case too.
abundance on this earth is a birth right. we´ve just been trained to believe in scarcity. maybe your need for stashing comes from that ; )


Maybe being a 'farmer' was engraved in my DNA as my maternal ancestors were farmers, that personal assessment includes the 'urge' to keep tools and manage upkeep. So my idea of being a hermit also includes bare necessities as much as possible.

As for people living in poverty or in middle class, fasting/scarcity can be a norm and even scientifically studied to temporarily decrease intelligence overtime. This form of hunger for basic necessities can lure them to the pit of consumerism/capitalism.

For people like the Buddha, living as upper class definitely hit him differently that's why he stumbled into the path of enlightenment.

I would consider myself a misanthrope, but as humans we outgrow our stereotypes, so right now I have a better understanding of human psychology versus five years ago. Studying human behavior definitely helps in becoming a better contributor to the society instead secluding oneself.

I should be researching more about this hermit topic because I have formed so many thoughts that are already deviating from the original topic 😅