Some Research and Thoughts about Hermits, Solitude and Hikikomori [EN - FR]

in ecoTrain2 years ago

Ever since I was a child, I have always imagined that I would be a hermit at some point in my life. And in fact, by spending days writing, alone at home, I have more or less achieved this... even if it doesn't correspond to the classic definition. I had a particular taste for solitude from a very early age and I never perceived it as isolation, which is for me a 'negative' or at least imposed version of solitude.

It is like the distinction I make between 'individualism' and 'egoism' which are two different things - we wouldn't have two words otherwise. Selfishness, on the other hand, is a chosen inclination to benefit one's own individuality at the expense of others, which is completely different. One can be an individualist and extremely altruistic, I see no contradiction there!

But what is a hermit ? We all have more or less an image of an old man lost in the mountains, withdrawn from the world, and indeed, the definition is as follows: 'Religious person withdrawn to a deserted place' (as opposed to cenobite, monk).

However, the reasons for this withdrawal differ and not all hermits are in my opinion religious. Spiritual, certainly... but we have men and women who distance themselves from our world for many reasons. Loss of meaning and the desire to find it again. Incomprehension towards certain consumerist follies (material goods, information, social competition...) as well as for religious needs.


I took this picture during a walk in Ardèche. When I saw this shepherd's hut, the inside was all lined with dry leaves, I would have spent the night there...

My first connection with hermits was through the life of Saint Anthony the Great as it happens that my parents chose the same first name for me, without, I think, making the connection with this founder of the monastic life. I can only recommend that you go and read a little more about his life via the link, I think our world is lacking in people of this kind !


This summer, I decided to do some research on the web about this subject and I am delighted to share with you the two most interesting links I found :

The first one is a site that lists stories and direct or reported testimonies of hermits around the world... You'll see, it's fascinating !

HERMITARY - HERMITS AROUND THE WEB - News, sites, and pages of interest about hermits and solitude

The second is a newsletter for hermits with exchanges of information, practical texts for some and spiritual texts for others. This letter works on a subscription basis, but by going to the site, you can already see the content...

Raven's Bread Ministries

In fact, there is this third link about the hikikimori, those Japanese who lock themselves up at home, all for different reasons, each one nevertheless in a kind of refusal and denial of a facet of contemporary societies...



What about you ? Have you ever wanted to leave everything, not necessarily for ever, but at least for a while ? I think deep down that we all more or less often detect a great deal of absurdity in many aspects of modern life, so I'd be curious to hear your feedback on this question !

I hope you have enjoyed reading this article and the links provided. I thank you for your visit and wish you a very nice week :)

Take care of yourself and your loved ones <3

Yours, @anttn

Depuis mon enfance, j'ai toujours imaginé que je serai, à un moment de ma vie, ermite. Et au fond, en passant des journées à écrire, seul chez moi, j'y suis plus ou moins arrivé... même si cela ne correspond pas à la définition classique. J'ai eu très tôt un goût particulier pour la solitude et je n'ai jamais perçu cela comme de l'isolement, qui est pour moi une version 'négative' ou en tout cas imposée de solitude.

C'est comme la distinction que je fais entre 'individualisme' et 'égoïsme' qui sont deux choses différentes - nous n'aurions pas deux mots sinon. L'individualisme est l'état naturel de notre condition d'être vivant humain, un corps, un esprit, une âme. L'égoïsme est en revanche un penchant choisi pour faire profiter sa propre individualité au détriment de celles des autres, ce qui est complètement différent. On peut être individualiste et extrêmement altruiste, je ne vois pas là de contradiction !...

Mais qu'est qu'un ermite ? Nous avons tous plus ou moins une image d'un vieil homme perdu dans la montagne, retiré du monde et en effet, la définition est telle que suit : 'Religieux retiré dans un lieu désert' (opposé à cénobite, moine).

Pourtant, les raisons de ce retirement diffèrent et tous les ermites ne sont pas à mon sens religieux. Spirituels, assurément... mais l'on a des hommes et des femmes qui prennent leurs distances avec notre monde pour de multiples motivations. Perte de sens et volonté d'en retrouver. Incompréhension vis à vis de certaines folies consuméristes (biens matériels, informations, compétition sociale...) ainsi que pour des besoins religieux.


J'ai pris cette image lors d'une promenade en Ardèche. En voyant cet abri de berger, l'intérieur était tout tapissé de feuilles bien sèches, j'y aurait bien passé la nuit...

Ma première connexion avec les ermites a été à travers la vie de Saint Antoine le Grand comme il se trouve que mes parents m'ont choisi le même prénom, sans pour autant je crois, faire le rapprochement avec ce fondateur de la vie monastique. Je ne peux que vous recommander d'aller en lire un peu plus à propos de sa vie via le lien, je pense que notre monde manque de gens de cette trempe-là !


Cet été, j'ai décidé de faire quelques recherches sur le web à propos de ce sujets et je suis ravi de vous partager les deux liens les plus intéressants que j'ai trouvé :

Le premier est un site qui répertorie des histoires et témoignages directs ou rapportés d'ermites à travers le monde... Vous verrez, c'est passionnant !

HERMITARY – HERMITS AROUND THE WEB - News, sites, and pages of interest about hermits and solitude

Le second est une newsletter à destination d'ermites avec des échanges d'informations, de textes pratiques pour certains et spirituels pour d'autres. Cette lettre fonctionne par rapport à un abonnement, mais en allant sur le site, on peu déjà se rendre compte du contenu...

Raven's Bread Ministries

En fait, il y a ce troisième lien à propos des hikikimori, ces Japonais qui s'enferment chez eux, tous pour des raisons différentes, chacun pourtant dans une sorte de refus et de déni d'une facette des sociétés contemporaines...



Et vous ? Avez-vous déjà souhaité tout quitter, pas forcément pour toujours, mais momentanément du moins...? Je pense au fond de moins qu'il nous arrive tous plus ou moins souvent de déceler une grande part d'absurdité dans bien des aspects de la vie moderne, enfin je serai curieux d'avoir de vos retours sur cette question-là !

J'espère que vous aurez apprécié la lecture de cet article et les liens proposés. Je vous remercie pour votre visite et je vous souhaite une très belle semaine :)

Prenez soin de vous et de vos proches <3

Vôtre, @anttn


I have heard that Ardèche is beautiful, judging by your photos it is.
it reminds me a lot of Mallorca, where I lived before and the shepherd´s shelter looks a lot like the huts of the "carboneros" the coal makers who spent most their time alone in the woods, except the times when they went down to the markets to sell their coal.
your tendency for solitude caught my attention. I recently learned about Starseeds (you can look up this term or look up the three waves of volunteers as called by Dolores Cannon). I do not know how spiritual you are but I sense depth and sensitivity in you. one of the most common of starseeds is the need for solitude..! hence Hermit..
I suspect I am one, knowing what I know now and it indeed explain a lot about my need for solitude, being a rebel and much more.

@oniemaniego that could be true in your case too.
abundance on this earth is a birth right. we´ve just been trained to believe in scarcity. maybe your need for stashing comes from that ; )

Maybe being a 'farmer' was engraved in my DNA as my maternal ancestors were farmers, that personal assessment includes the 'urge' to keep tools and manage upkeep. So my idea of being a hermit also includes bare necessities as much as possible.

As for people living in poverty or in middle class, fasting/scarcity can be a norm and even scientifically studied to temporarily decrease intelligence overtime. This form of hunger for basic necessities can lure them to the pit of consumerism/capitalism.

For people like the Buddha, living as upper class definitely hit him differently that's why he stumbled into the path of enlightenment.

I would consider myself a misanthrope, but as humans we outgrow our stereotypes, so right now I have a better understanding of human psychology versus five years ago. Studying human behavior definitely helps in becoming a better contributor to the society instead secluding oneself.

I should be researching more about this hermit topic because I have formed so many thoughts that are already deviating from the original topic 😅

It is indeed a beautiful region. In truth, while still living in Paris, any place with more trees seems to me peaceful and sumptuous !
I think you have just opened the door to a whole new dimension for me..! I had never heard of this before and from the little research I've been able to do since I saw your message, it really seems to make sense !
I will dig deeper about this, but from what I read... I had the prominent impression that, in a way, those descriptions were talking about me since I'm alive !
Really a big thanks you 💫
ps : if you have some pictures of those huts of "carboneros", I would be interested a lot to see some. It makes me think that I would do well to look for studies on this type of "primitive" and vernacular habitat in Europe... After that, the must for me remains the Masai huts made of dried dung and that the rain makes return to the earth...
Thanks again and have a nice evening :)

I just found about starseeds a couple of days ago and I felt the same as you. felt as finally something explains everything. it seems that we are being "activated", or coming out of the amnesia and we rejoin the tribe. the more I investigate, the more convinced I am.
you will likely find Ismael Perez and his work very relevant and interesting in this context. I just ordered his book. fascinating information.

unfortunately I do not have any photos from these huts in Mallorca. I spent so much time in the "Serra de Tramuntana" among them, even sleeping in them, they became banal. I only carry them in my memory.

Yes, I will also continue on my side... But it really seems to make sense if we also assume that all life on this Earth is of stellar origin !
Thank you for this beautiful sharing and this screenshot which confirms again the way I have always felt... Don't hesitate to share future information with me, which I will certainly do on my side :)
Yes, we live in such a world of images that it's often better not to take too many and to keep things clearer in the workings of our brain.
Good day to you

Thanks you for the share, I will take some time to watch it fully but I will ;-)

Have a nice day !


Pendant la pandémie nous nous sommes retrouvés complètement autracisés de par nos décisions, et notre refus d'obtempérer. Au final, cela a eu du positif pour nos enfants et pour nous car on a choisi notre camp, cependant la pression social est tel en France, qu'il est vraiment impossible d'être hermite comme tu le souhaites, sans être traité de fou. Il faut rentrer dans le moule, et moi ça je peux po...

Ça me rappelle la chanson de Brassens, La mauvaise réputation...

Je vois que l'on a vécu les choses de la même manière, assez proche en tout cas !

Pour l'instant, je suis une sorte d'ermite en ville, avec tout de même des contacts, mais je vis un peu comme si j'étais déjà à la campagne... C'est d'ailleurs notre plan d'y partir dès que possible ^^ Mais oui, le moule j'en suis sorti trop longtemps aussi, alors pour rentrer à nouveau haha..!

C'est drôle que tu parles de Brassens car il compte parmi mes soutiens au niveau du moral pendant cette période, plus encore qu'à d'autres moments.

Merci pour ta visite et ton témoignage ! Je te souhaite une bonne journée et du courage pour la suite :)

There are thousands of stories about Hermit lifestyles, for some people these stories may be fascinating for others not so much, for me they are lifestyles connected to life, to peace and tranquility.

Yes, I can imagine that for some, this may seem inconceivable ^^ I think that without cutting ourselves off from everything, a careful examination of our lifestyles allows us to sort out what is essential and what is superfluous !
Thanks for reading :)

I crave solitude. It's not so easy these days as I am a solo mama of three amazing girls. But when I can get it, i love to be by myself. I have been trying to arrange a night away by myself up the mountains, I would love longer, but know that one night is much more realistic.
Thanks for links, i will check them out for sure and for the wonderful photos xxx

Yes, I imagine it can't be easy to find those special moments, although I'm sure the four of you must have some intense moments !
May I be so indiscreet as to ask how old your daughters are ? The idea comes to me so that I can better represent your family... Even if it will only allow me to sketch your reality !
With great pleasure, I am happy that you liked it :D and I hope that the next opening for a night in the mountains is not too far away !

Thank you @anttn, my girls are ages, 5, 9 and 13 xxx

You're most welcome ☺️
Oh, they are still young, but I can imagine them being grown up for their age with a freer life !

As an IT guy, it would be very hard to give up tech, but ever I'd be extremely wealthy, I might consider giving up tech, but not wealth XD

I have this crazy thought about buying a large piece of land and living alone. Unlike real hermits, I can't really do fasting or whatever extreme minimalism stuff, so I need to have a stash of this and that, and maybe have a food forest and home garden.

I don't think that's spirituality, but mostly staying away from anything I dislike. Gomen 😂

I feel quite well what you are expressing, but I think my need for reserve comes a lot from the western lifestyle with fridges and supermarkets... Today, I'm only learning - little by little - what I should have always known, mainly the edible plants (there are supposedly between 20 and 30,000 of them, whereas only 10 plants represent 90% of our food !)
I'll join you on the large land, it's almost the last and only reason I'm in town !

I don't think that's spirituality, but mostly staying away from anything I dislike.

This appears already like a kind of spirituality to me ^^

Take care dear and thanks you for your input here !

On a side note, I also find it interesting some people categorize crops/fruit trees based on their ability to produce calories/nutrients per square meter and I guess this is handy in deciding on maximizing sustainability. maybe too off topic now hahaha

You're right ! I find it fascinating too, my brother shared a lot of information with me on this specific subject ! Very interesting when you combine that to the lazy gardener practices...

maybe too off topic now hahaha

Oh no :D I love that kind of drift as in the stream of life, it's a so little move. Everything interconnected

I've read it somewhere in your post and you too really digress a lot, don't worry I guess most people do that when they're so interested into a topic and they are so excited to write about it and ideas just flows in.

Also, btw, I intended not to talk about hikikomori bc that's a different story and I personally recommend people to find professional help whenever possible.

#DidYouKnow In my country, we hit the breaks when the comment sections become too interesting and replies keep coming in... we call it #ChatBox hahaha

But I think that's what makes a post engaging, not just the template remarks and shallow 'engagements', I rarely see that in Hive.

Yes, it's a bit difficult for me to avoid these slalom digressions ! Normally, when I write, it's more with a plan, but I rarely do that here. It's a bit too framed for my taste ^^

Here, it's indeed a good start in Chatbox mode, and it's really nice :D

Yes, in the case of hikikomori that I mentioned very very briefly, we are often in pathological cases of isolation, rather the dark side of being a hermit..

Thanks for you're inputs here and already for your participation for the Nature challenge that I still have to read :)

Take care !

I have always loved the idea of hermitage. I can't imagine much nicer than being alone in a forest meditating, talking to the bees and watching the birds dart about in their cheerful way. A St Francis of Assisi kinda thing. I love people but I dont rreally need them all the time and sometimes I have better creativity and peace if I'm on my own. Funny, my best friend is the same. I wonder if it's a Cancer Moon thing, but that's getting a little fuzzily esoteric. Nice post and lovely food for thought.

Being alone in the forest... Quite the ideal perspective for me too, and to show again the value of Hive and shared brains power, thanks you for bringing back St Francesco to my memory !
Don’t know if it’s special thing of Cancer moon, I’m not enough in astrology but I rather like those analysis :)

I think it's to do with that quality of the moon and quiet introspection - and tending a hearth of sorts. I like the idea of sweeping the front verandah of leaves every morning with a homemade broom.

Totally agree !
Some time ago I was told the story of a cleaning lady who had experienced enlightenment because she worked in a Zen dojo, but simply by seeing those who meditated for hours, she had made her way...

Not looking too hard is also the Way :)

I like the idea of sweeping the front verandah of leaves every morning with a homemade broom.

I love it because every time I read your words, I feel like I'm starting a dream... Thank you for it !

Not looking too hard is also the Way

I LOVE THIS!!!!!!! The answer is simple to me as well, but somehow religion has made it uber complicted with all these RULES and shit. We don't need any of that if we KNOW the truth in the bumble bee, the blossom and our hearts.

every time I read your words, I feel like I'm starting a dream

Goodness, cheers!

Yes, that's why I'm interested in all religions, but only in the spiritual aspect, after that they are all completely sisterly!

The right rule indeed, it could be just: walk and observe ^^

Goodness, cheers!

Haha, just one more before going to sleep... it's night here, but still many people shouting in the streets

Hi @anttn how interesting your post. Just yesterday I was watching the life of St. Onofre who was also a hermit.
As for your question, I would love to live primitively as a family, alone I wouldn't dare.

how interesting your post.

Thanks you 😊

I really enjoy those kinds of coincidences, plus I didn’t know this saint ! I will research a bit about him and his life :)

I too imagine that it would be better to live that primitive life in community than alone... at beginning for sure ^^ !

Thanks again for your input and have a great weekend 🍀

I was very struck by that coincidence. I had heard of Saint Onofre, but it was not until the day before yesterday that I was curious to know who he had been. It was a great surprise to me to learn that he had been a hermit.
Happy weekend to you too.

I was very struck by that coincidence. I had heard of Saint Onofre, but it was not until the day before yesterday that I was curious to know who he had been. It was a great surprise to me to learn that he had been a hermit.
Happy weekend to you too.

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