My Message To The World!

in ecoTrain3 years ago (edited)



The last few days, I have been feeling the weight of my circumstances. The reality that I need to move, that I need to find some where new to call home and that I need to keep my strength up for my girls. These are unprecedented times that we are living in, where so much is being taken away from us. Where we need to find a way in which to rise above it all and create the world we want to live in

I can feel the pressure weighting heavily on me and because if that I ended up feeling quite poorly the last few days. My body, calling on me to take a break and rest, to step down and this time I listened.

That is what I would like to say to the world, to listen to yourself.

To take the time to reconnect with yourself! We are being bombarded with so much information, with so many, not knowing what to believe.

Yet I believe, that when we are connected to our intuition, then we know what is truth. We don't need textbooks to back us up, we just know, because it rings true. That is what it means to connect with our inner power. To really trust oneself.

But this is not something we are encouraged to do, growing up we are conditioned to listen to others,that to be truly educated, is to know how to research and back up all of our findings.

I remember clashing with my English teacher in secondary school. We were asked to interpretate a poem ( I can't for the life of me remember what it was). I choose to give my own interpretation, but because I could not back it up, my teacher told me it was wrong.

There were no notes from the actual poet, but instead from English scholars. Why was their interpretation correct and mine wasn't, how could they see into the mind of the poet. I was punished for thinking for myself, for thinking outside their conformative box. In the end she refused to teach me, so I had to move classes!

We need to remember how to think for ourselves, that it is important to do our own research and not just settle for what we are told. We have a responsibility to ourselves to do so, because it is the first step in us taking back responsibility for our lives.

This disconnect that so many people have, is what is blinding them at the moment, leading them to have blind faith in those who only wish to use and manipulate them for their own good.

We need to be creating a world where we look after one another. Where health and well being is a priority, for both us and all life on earth. Where we are encouraged to reach out to others, instead of distancing ourselves from them.

This plandemic, has been on us in such a way ,that we are now even afraid to embrace our family and friends, where we are putting so much trust in the narrative, that even seeing the true numbers is not enough for us to see the truth.

That anyone questioning this narrative, is seen as a threat, as being selfish, when in actual fact we are only doing what we as humans should be doing, expressing our freedom to think for ourselves. Something that should encouraged and celebrated. We are being oppressed and it is all in the name of health! Not our health though, the health of those in power!

Deep down, I believe many of us know that something is not right and that if we were to follow our gut instinct, things would not have gotten this far. Gotten to the stage, that in some countries you can not now be fined if you refuse the vaccine. A vaccine that is not even a vaccine and that is so experimental.

I do not understand how so many people are so willing to now trust the government, to believe that pharmaceutical companies have their best interests at heart, the same pharmaceutical companies that make billions every year out of keeping people unwell.

is a business, a business that has control over much of the world and that makes profit out of keeping people sick. How have so many forgotten, that these companies have caused so many deaths around the world.That they have had to pay out millions in compensations.

We need to remember!

We need to connect more with ourselves, to empower ourselves, this is vital for our well being, vital if we want to thrive. Because any change that happens, has to come from us. That change can only come, when we are empowered, when we feel connected to our core strength, out intuitive self.

This is my response to the latest Ecotrain Question Of The Week - What Is Your Message To The World!. Looking forward to hear, what others wish to share.






I do not understand how so many people are so willing to now trust the government, to believe that pharmaceutical companies have their best interests at heart, the same pharmaceutical companies that make billions every year out of keeping people unwell.

Amen to that!

Listen, we were having the conversation with my wife the other day, and none of us want that experimental shit, but if they start preventing us from traveling, worse, locking us up, what are we doing? I will take the bullet for the team (though I've heard of some docs that can make it look as if you took the jab and get you stamped, I might edit that part in order not to ever be liable haha). I can't believe I am saying this out loud, you are right, there is so much pressure on our shoulders, you have to listen to your body from time to time and switch off.

As we homeschool the kids, they don't even know how to wear a mask properly and it gets hilarious when we go shopping. I mean, as hilarious as it can be.

What you mentionned about your interpretation of the poem, reminds me how much the system will always try to break you, especially if you are out of the ordinary. It's the same with the official narrative they shove in our throats.

Gosh.. if i could find a doctor that would lie about the immunisation, wow. I'm going too have to take it to cross multiple borders when we drive to England I imagine. Makes me so angry.

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I am gonna take that part out 😄

guys imagine most people just stop traveling or refuse to take the jab if those are the conditions. I'm sure it wouldn't take that long for them going back on their word. The Travel industry needs us just as much the Pharmaceutical industry needs us to exist.

 3 years ago  

Thank you for joining us on the QOTW! Your post has been featured in our tieup post!

I think @vincentnijman should buy that big house and you could move there!

We arent taught to follow our gut or heart honey, only our head, and thats fed with a narrative that manipulates us. I don't like it, but I understand it.

Keep your chin up and keep doing good.

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I'm pretty much of the same mindset as you with this whole plandemic. Fantastic answer to the QOTW and it's good to reconnect on here. Much love to you <3

I can relate to the need to get up and move, as my family and I have been contemplating what little choices we have to help ourselves at this time. We realize very soon we'll have to have more than a negative COVID test to fly, and we'd like to fly before vaccinations are required because developing countries like Suriname aren't gonna be ready for that for a few years perhaps.

Right now Ethiopia seems a potential home for us, but we'll need to act quickly, and we're still waiting on paperwork.

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I hear you sister - the need to tune into our intuition! It does really surprise me the number of people who are listening to the narrative even though it does not match to the true numbers and how all this so unwarranted and so harmful.
I feel grateful that I can retreat to live how I wish in my forest home and at an age and have a lifestyle where I'm not as much affected. I really feel for the younger generations who's world this will be to grow up in.

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I felt understood reading this post. Has been a struggle to be heard and understood by family and friends they are completely brain washed and slowly and shortly humans rights wont be a thing anymore as people are giving away their power.. Anyhow's I have hope, as I see communities like this one growing and making a difference. thanks for sharing your words of wisdom :)

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I totally hear you and wish you all the strength you need to get through this. I know you'll find a way.
Big big hug.

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Yet I believe, that when we are connected to our intuition, then we know what is truth. We don't need textbooks to back us up, we just know, because it rings true. That is what it means to connect with our inner power. To really trust oneself.

THIS! Thanks for emphasizing that part. I couldn't agree more with you. We have the chance today to look back in the past hundreds of years and see that there were soooooo many things that were 'true', 'law', 'normalcy' or 'prohibited' and today, many new research revokes most of the theories even I have learnt in school like 10 years ago.

And then we have the chance today to look back in the past thousands of years, and see that the ORIGINAL HUMAN is far from what we are being brainwashed in today! I plan to write more about that, as what I have explored across the past months has literally mindblewn me.
So all to say that YES I am totally with you, we know deep inside what is true, because we know the real truth already, all the answers are inside.
The pandemic somehow also is the apogy of people not listening to themselves, to trust other people or institutions with their primal fate: health.
This is a huge (almost karmic) invitation for Humans to listen to themselves and get in touch with their true needs and conditions for optimal health.

I wish you a lot of strenght, these are not easy times. I agree that we need to get back to ourselves. Informational bombing is just a strategy to make people panic and accept anything out of fear. I admire people who can hold their head high and think for themselves when everybody wants to wash their mind. Stay strong.

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