Creating energy with sports

in ecoTrain4 years ago

Hello Ecotrain !

Today I have something to share with you !

One of the biggest issue of our modern world is the energy.

The cleanest energy source is the one that isn't used.

Here it is. The better way to improve the place of the energy is to use less. 😩

I saw few days ago that, in France in average, there is a 70% loss of electricity from factory to houses. Because of the long distances between both of them. 🤯

One of the way to get rid of that loss it to decentralize the production of energy because for now there is too big factories that generates energy for large zones. And a bigger amount of little factories should reduce that loss.

I know that some projects of water mill that works as a generator. That isn't huge but that's enough to power several houses. And that time if it's near enough, there will be less loss. 💪🏻


One of my life goal is to own one of these Water mill. I saw a documentary of a man who bought one and that works really well and that is really renewable, clean and not dangerous at all. That could even be a great income. 👌

One of the things that leads to my title is energy fitness room.

Some fitness center decided to put alternators to their machines. That how you can generate energy while you do sports. 😤


That's totally possible to buy some of these devices for your personal use. One of the most common is the training bike. With that, some models allows you to generate up to 200w, but you should have something that is more around 80w for the beginning.

If I have enough place, I would really love to have it. That would be great for my health, my weak legs and to power my house. Even if 80w isn't a big deal that cna power some little things. Considering that there is probably just few energy loss. 🙂

I know that the main light of my apartment is consuming 10w. With 1hour generating 80w, that allows me to light it on for 8hours "for free". 🤗

Creating energy from you "everyday" life instead of burning oil or splitting plutonium particles is something that absolutely passionates me.

If I could I would put an alternator on my bike and create energy for my house, or even being able to charge my phone while riding it.📱🔋

For me, sports and energy could have a really near future !


Vey interesting hey. we are wasting lots of efforts here that could be converted into energy! Could use those watts to charge your phone or something!

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