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RE: Wherefore Art Thy Caturday?

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

They are such independent little creatures, aren't they? It is no surprise that the Lady and you have an understanding. After all, she is worthy of your organic oat drink.

I like the way you have informal agreements to ignore each other. :) No cows and horses? Unheard of! I live on the outskirts of Washington, DC and even I have them. Of course, you probably have much cooler animals to gaze upon.

Thanks for the LUV, Victor!


my pleasure. :-)
there are hedgehogs :-) they are running for free here and once i saw one which drunk from the cats oat drink 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Ha! The quills of a porcupine! They say they make good pets, except for the quills, no thanks! :) Maybe you need to make friends with it, I'll bet it was a female!

" they make good pets" - pet a hedgehog - no way :-)))