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RE: Wherefore Art Thy Caturday?

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

There are few cats walking from garden to garden here, just looking for the people's attention, some fancy food and really follow the rule which says that cat is walking by itself and does not listen to anyone's commands. I bring them the organic OAT drink that I always have in my fridge instead of milk. One of them (the lady) is always gratefully rubs on my leg, sits a little bit in my company, and leaves. Another one (some young and stupid guy) is very curious but doesn't come closer than one meter. There are some others, but we don't care about each other - this is our informal agreement - i don't give them the OAT drink, and they don't catch the mice in my garden.
and there are no cows and horses around. :-(
my happy !LUV to you Denise!






@dswigle, you've been given LUV from @victorbz.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. LUV changes soon. (2/3)

Thank you, Victor! @victorbz I will have to check how many I have! :)

73.5 !!!! (half LUV ??? how?)

I have no idea! Maybe I only liked someone a little bit? :)


They are such independent little creatures, aren't they? It is no surprise that the Lady and you have an understanding. After all, she is worthy of your organic oat drink.

I like the way you have informal agreements to ignore each other. :) No cows and horses? Unheard of! I live on the outskirts of Washington, DC and even I have them. Of course, you probably have much cooler animals to gaze upon.

Thanks for the LUV, Victor!

my pleasure. :-)
there are hedgehogs :-) they are running for free here and once i saw one which drunk from the cats oat drink 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Ha! The quills of a porcupine! They say they make good pets, except for the quills, no thanks! :) Maybe you need to make friends with it, I'll bet it was a female!

" they make good pets" - pet a hedgehog - no way :-)))