Wherefore Art Thy Caturday?

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago


Happy #Caturday people! Let's see those beautiful cats! Meow! Or perhaps we should peruse the horse field where someone stuck a cow. Really? Raise your hand if this was you. In case you came here by mistake and are not into cats, you are always welcome to go take a gander at it.


I decline to give up, until she absolutely departs and takes up residence, in a place that does not include here. Oh, my summer, as your season is getting close, stay here where you belong.

“It's best to let her go," he says.
No, no, that's wrong. It's never right to give up on someone.”
― Lauren DeStefano, Fever

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Has it ever been so quiet, you wonder if it's real, or will you be waking up from the dream? So hushed was the quiet this morning; I believed I heard the echo of the dew dropping. I close my eyes, hoping it would go on. Perhaps. Perhaps. Perhaps.

And then, a moment passed.

"Let your life lightly dance on the edges of time, like dew on the tip of a leaf." - Rabindranath Tagore


Oh, there is beauty held by a ray of sunshine in the sky and the sound of laughter filling the air. Flowers stand in the fields, coloring the landscape in a bright hue of happiness. How can one refute the fact that this very moment in your life becomes part of your very own story? No right. No wrong. It is up to you how you want to write it.

IMG-20210808-WA0024 2.jpg

Well, she is protecting the barn with a horse or two in it. She needs to keep up her strength. No judgment here. It;s #Caturday, after all. We will save any judgment for the 'morrow.

All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.


And just like that, this post is over! Come back tomorrow and we'll do it again. Now, join me while I partake in the most delicious of shrimp on a lettuce and tomato bed, served with a squeeze of lemon.





The Naming of Cats

The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter,
It isn’t just one of your holiday games;
You may think at first I’m as mad as a hatter
When I tell you, a cat must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES.

TS Elliot

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There are few cats walking from garden to garden here, just looking for the people's attention, some fancy food and really follow the rule which says that cat is walking by itself and does not listen to anyone's commands. I bring them the organic OAT drink that I always have in my fridge instead of milk. One of them (the lady) is always gratefully rubs on my leg, sits a little bit in my company, and leaves. Another one (some young and stupid guy) is very curious but doesn't come closer than one meter. There are some others, but we don't care about each other - this is our informal agreement - i don't give them the OAT drink, and they don't catch the mice in my garden.
and there are no cows and horses around. :-(
my happy !LUV to you Denise!






@dswigle, you've been given LUV from @victorbz.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. LUV changes soon. (2/3)

Thank you, Victor! @victorbz I will have to check how many I have! :)

73.5 !!!! (half LUV ??? how?)

I have no idea! Maybe I only liked someone a little bit? :)


They are such independent little creatures, aren't they? It is no surprise that the Lady and you have an understanding. After all, she is worthy of your organic oat drink.

I like the way you have informal agreements to ignore each other. :) No cows and horses? Unheard of! I live on the outskirts of Washington, DC and even I have them. Of course, you probably have much cooler animals to gaze upon.

Thanks for the LUV, Victor!

my pleasure. :-)
there are hedgehogs :-) they are running for free here and once i saw one which drunk from the cats oat drink 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Ha! The quills of a porcupine! They say they make good pets, except for the quills, no thanks! :) Maybe you need to make friends with it, I'll bet it was a female!

" they make good pets" - pet a hedgehog - no way :-)))

Great photos!

You are absolutely so sweet! Thank you so much!

Have an amazing week ahead!

I’m not looking at all guilty about the cow



I knew it!!! I could tell by your guilty look. The cow was in the wrong field and everyone looks at me like they didn't do it.

Especially the cat. Meow!

Honestly. :))

I can say without a shadow of a doubt it wasn’t the cat

But that’s nit an admission of guilt lol

It may or may not be. I'll be watching you. :)

They didn’t used to call me the ghost for no reason
I can slip in and out unnoticed lol

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Thank you so much @ladiesofhive !!

"Let your life lightly dance on the edges of time, like dew on the tip of a leaf." - Rabindranath Tagore
hello friend happy sunday
what does it matter if it's #Caturday or #Really
the thing is to have fun and have a good time tell our stories and spend the day with the greatest possible beauty
meow sooo kisses

Hello, beauty!

Tienes razón y todos los días deben disfrutarse como iguales. #Cábado o no, amo la vida y todo lo que me rodea. Ciudad o campo, puentes o vallas, la vida es buena. Me encanta que también abrazas la vida. Te amo, mi hermosa amiga.

Besos. Meow!

I like the cat in the first photo, but the second cat is more cute 😀
Cows have the same look everywhere on the planet, don't they?

Lovely post as always, Denise, I hope you're having a wonderful Sunday 🌞

!BEER and !WINE and !PIZZA - perfect 😃

Haha! Yes! Me too. My phone sure does a bad job, but left the house without the camera as I was Riding.

The all have that same clueless look on their face. Thank so much for stopping by and leaving your kund words.

Have a great week ahead!

A real camera will always be the better solution in my eyes and at least for me, but your phone has done a pretty good job - it shows the perfect cow face expression 😉

I wish you a nice Sunday and also a wonderful week ahead 🌞

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)






@dswigle, you've been given LUV from @johannpiber.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. LUV changes soon. (1/5)

I almost never go without the camera, always in the car with me or on my shoulder, but, I sometimes take what I can get. :)

Thanks so much, Hannes! @johannpiber Almost the end of the day and yes! Pizza and beer! My kind of dinner! Serve it up!

Thanks for that and the LUV!

@dswigle! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @johannpiber.

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@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Thank you so much @johannpiber !! @

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Thanks for the wine!

@dswigle! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @johannpiber.

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Oh how the want to hang onto the precious flowers and colours of summer, winter although beautiful is stark and cold but not so gloriously pretty.
Your little cat is very cute and I can see how three names would fit like a glove.
Lovely flow of words as per usual Denise, 💝

You are pretty smooth, Ms Mitchell. I love to see your comments spread across the platform. You are such a positive force here.

Thank you so much!! 💖

Hmmm... are you referring to the cow or someONE else? “It's best to let her go," he says.
Poor cat, the cow is looking intently...
Yum!!! That's some great meal you're having, sweet @dswigle!

The season, lovely! It is best to let it go! The summer is slowly going to be slipping through our fingers. ❤️

Musing is usually not that literal. :)) Although, it can be.

It was delicious! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your words!

Empowering Thank You for using LOH.jpg

Thank you for having me!

Cats, cows, flowers, and food. These are the things that I want in my life. I would love the beautiful pasture to go along with it. 😊

Aren't you sweet! I am always grateful for what has been given to me. Well, except maybe cow pies that I stepped on.

Who put that cow in that pasture?

Hi, Carolyn! @carolynstahl 💙

Nice flowers with well musing about animal.

Thank you so much for the kind words. I hope you have a nice week ahead!

Just an amazing words captured with "Rabindranath Tagore", life will be in the nature and feel the joys of it. Its not a matter for caturday with a cow on horse feild, just !LUV with your words here.






@dswigle, you've been given LUV from @sheikh27.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. LUV changes soon. (2/4)

Thank you so much and the words from Rabindranath Tagore are beautiful and really capture the essence of it for me. Thank you so much for the nice comment.

Have a great day!

Thanks for the LUV!

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Hey @dswigle, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 71 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thank you for the repost @pixresteemer! Much appreciated!