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RE: LOH #153 | "Annoying Traits in a Loved One"

in Ladies of Hive9 months ago

I am so sorry that you have had to go through this. This guy will never be someone anyone can trust because he can't be honest with himself.

Take care and know in time, if you are to be in a relationship, it will happen. Most folks find their special someone when they stop looking.🤗💜


I know that, compared to others, my experiences may not seem as severe, but I appreciate your acknowledgement that they were challenging for me.

It was particularly difficult because I was not mentally prepared for the situation, and my ex-partner left during a critical time for me.

As a result, I still feel traumatised by men and currently have no intentions of seeking another relationship.

Instead, I prefer to keep myself occupied with work and my business and prioritise focusing on my children.

No need to worry, dear @elizabethbit; everything is now in the past and all that is left are the unpleasant memories that I wish I could erase. Have a great day and take care as well.🥰🤗