✨ Ladies of Hive Contest #190: Unavoidable changes and haircuts [ES/EN]

in Ladies of Hive7 days ago

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¡Hola queridas Damas de Hive! Espero que se encuentren muy bien. Hoy me pasó por acá para participar de las preguntas de esta semana como siempre. Esta vez con dos temas de los cuales tengo algo para decir, así que empecemos.

Los cambios son inevitables pero a veces nos cuesta adaptarnos a ellos. ¿Hubo alguna circunstancia o un cambio repentino que impactó tu vida, rutina o estilo de vida? ¿Cómo lo afrontaste? ¿Lo pasaste mal? Por favor comparte la historia.

Como a muchos, soy una persona a la que le aterran los cambios y, sobre todo, cuando son sorpresivos. Tengo varios de estos, pero me centraré en el último cambio sorpresivo que impactó en mi vida y en la de mis padres, y tuvimos que adaptarnos a la nueva rutina que se creó a partir de ese momento.

Mi padre está jubilado desde hace 1 año y medio, sin embargo, seguía trabajando en la misma fábrica porque lo seguían necesitando y el sueldo extra nos venía muy bien, aparte de que él quería continuar con su misma rutina. A fines de abril pasado y sin ningún tipo de aviso previo lo despidieron y, si bien era esperado, obvio que nos impactó y tuvimos que aprender a ajustarnos a la nueva rutina de tenerlo en casa siempre y de dejar de contar con ese ingreso. A mí lo que más me preocupaba era que entrara en algún tipo de depresión o algo por el estilo porque él suele tener esa tendencia. Agradezco que no sucediera así, pero sí le costó y todavía le cuesta aceptar su realidad. Lo mismo con temas de la casa o compras que antes nos podíamos permitir y ahora no porque la situación económica del país no está muy bien y el dinero que tenemos hay que cuidarlo. Así que dejamos de gastar en cosas que ya no son tan necesarias.

Al principio fue duro y hubo momentos tensos en casa por lo mismo y tratar de ajustar nuestras rutinas de nuevo. Pero ahora está todo mucho más calmado y nos estamos acostumbrando a la nueva realidad. Por lo pronto, espero que siga así y todo vaya a mejor cada vez.

Algunas mujeres se cortan el cabello no principalmente para ahorrar dinero sino porque les divierte hacerlo. ¿Lo has hecho alguna vez tú mismo? ¿Cómo resultó? ¿Lo harías otra vez?

Esto es algo que hice muchísimas veces y lo sigo haciendo. No es por un tema económico, ni tampoco por diversión, es que tengo un tema con las peluquerías desde niña cuando me tuvieron que cortar el pelo súper corto por una infestación severa de piojos y como fui llorando y gritando que no quería, me quedo un mal recuerdo. Por supuesto que seguí yendo a las peluquerías cuando quería algún corte específico o que me quedara el cabello más lindo. Pero sí es algo sin demasiada importancia, como un corte para mantenerlo del mismo largo o incluso más corto, lo hago yo misma. Una vez hasta me hice un corte en capas mirando un vídeo de Youtube, realmente creo que si hay ganas y un poco de atrevimiento y uno se instruye antes viendo vídeos tutoriales, puede lograrse el corte deseado. Si no queda bien o hacemos algo mal siempre podemos ir corriendo a la peluquería a qué nos arreglen el desastre y nos retén por intentar hacerlo solos jajaja.

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Bueno amigos, hasta acá mi participación a la iniciativa de la semana, espero que les haya gustado e invitó a quienes me lean a participar también.
Gracias por llegar hasta acá.
¡Hasta la próxima!

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Cover made in Canva and Bitmoji

Hello dear Ladies of Hive! I hope you are feeling great. I stopped by today to participate in this week's questions as usual. This time with two topics I have something to say about, so let's get started.

Changes are inevitable but sometimes we find it difficult to adapt to them. Was there a circumstance or a sudden change that impacted your life, routine, or lifestyle? How did you deal with it? Did you have a hard time? Please share the story.

Like many, I am a person who is terrified of change, especially when it comes as a surprise. I have several of these, but I will focus on the last surprise change that impacted my life and that of my parents, and we had to adapt to the new routine that was created from that moment on.

My father has been retired for a year and a half, however, he continued working in the same factory because he was still needed and the extra salary was very good for us, besides he wanted to continue with his same routine. At the end of last April and without any prior notice he was laid off and, although it was expected, we were obviously shocked and had to learn to adjust to the new routine of having him at home all the time and not being able to count on that income anymore. What worried me the most was that he would go into some kind of depression or something like that because he tends to have that tendency. I'm thankful that didn't happen, but he did have a hard time and still has a hard time accepting his reality. The same with house issues or purchases that we used to be able to afford and now we can't because the economic situation of the country is not very good and the money we have we have to take care of it. So we stop spending on things that are no longer necessary.

At first it was hard and there were tense moments at home because of the same thing and trying to adjust our routines again. But now everything is much calmer and we are getting used to the new reality. For the time being, I hope it stays that way and everything gets better and better.

Some women cut their own hair not mainly to save money but because they find fun in doing it. Have you ever done it yourself? How did it turn out? Would you do it again?

This is something I have done many times and still do. It's not for economic reasons, nor for fun, it's just that I've had an issue with hairdressers since I was a child when they had to cut my hair super short because of a severe lice infestation and since I went crying and screaming that I didn't want it, I have a bad memory. Of course I kept going to the salons when I wanted a specific haircut or a nicer haircut. But if it's something not too important, like a cut to keep it the same length or even shorter, I do it myself. Once I even did a layered cut looking at a Youtube video, I really believe that if there is desire and a little daring and one is instructed before watching video tutorials, you can achieve the desired cut. If it doesn't look good or we do something wrong we can always go running to the hairdresser to have them fix the mess and hold us back for trying to do it on our own hahaha.

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Well friends, this is my participation in the initiative of the week, I hope you liked it and I invite those who read me to participate as well.
Thanks for making it this far.
See you next time!

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Las fotografías son de mi galería personal - The photographs are from my personal gallery

Traductor - Translation


Sudden changes usually shock us but in the end, we learn to cope and adjust. I wish you and your family good times as you transition from your father's loss of extra income.

It's awesome that you trim your own hair. I do too, especially when I want the shortest possible length. I agree that we can do things when we put our heart into them.

Thanks for sharing your story :)


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Yes it's all a matter of getting used to it and, besides, my dad deserves his well-deserved rest after so many years of working. So it also has its good side and I am here to support they and help in any way I can.

Cutting your own hair is a big challenge, but it is possible and it gets you out of trouble.

Thank you very much for stopping by!

He sure does :) So happy retirement to him hehe.

Thank you too and have a lovely day ❤️


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Thanks for the support, ladies!

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es dificil, esta vida es una montaNa rusa definitivamente; que bueno que ya estan mas adaptados, y con el corte de cabello jeje, que mal momento en tu ninez.

Sí, hay que saber sortear las subidas y bajadas de la vida lo mejor posible jajaja.
Ahora es una buena anécdota lo del corte de cabello en mi niñez 😂.
Gracias por pasarte, saluditos.

un abrazo amiga, saludos!

Since I am on Medical leave from work, I've had more time to address the most important needs of my family and that alone easily filled that time. Most men prefer to be productive in some way often spurred by financial needs. I'm glad he was able to adapt with the change that was unexpected. I would suspect the younger factory workers are not as fortunate. Count your blessings @erigm

It's quite a change, but it's a matter of adapting and creating new productivity.
Thank you very much for stopping by and leaving your comment. Have a nice weekend!