Why do I prefer today's technological world? (Eng/Esp) Ladies of Hive # 81

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago (edited)


I always heard my mom talk about when she had to go to the river to wash clothes and carry water so that the house would have water to do everything essential for food, cleaning and other things.

Whenever I imagine myself doing those tasks in those times, I thanked God for not having had to grow up at that time.

But when I was born the world wasn't as updated as it is now, I've had to grow up with it and I really liked it because there are many things that are done better now.

For example, when I studied the Secretariat I did it with a typewriter that you had to press the keys so that the letter would be marked with the tape that had the ink and thus be able to write. Then the electric machine was invented and his car moved only when he reached the other side and his tape was already changed for another and the ink was not visible.

In these modern times we have the computer, which not only write a document on it but you can communicate with others through a window that brings certain pages where you can chat online. Likewise, I can send that same document via E-mail through the same computer connected to the Internet.

The telegram, which was the most urgent correspondence ever, was exchanged for these chats, for the cell phone and for the video calls, essential in a celebration of any kind.

Science, medicine, banking, farming, to name a few of the fields where technology has tremendously helped advance development. In the house, the use of the dishwasher, the kitchen that used to be wood-fired, is now electric and gas through networks.

The truth is that I do not criticize Cinderella for wanting to find a Prince as a husband, a man with money who could pay servitude so that she did almost nothing. I am one more modern woman and I must advance with technology so as not to be forgotten.

Each new generation of children is born with a phone in their hand and that is good because they learn technologies from an early age. My grandchildren handle the cell phone better than me, many times I ask my 4-year-old grandson how to do things.

He loves to order Google, Google I want to see 100% Lobo, Google lower the volume on the phone. Wow, we have a lot to learn from children and their curiosity.

If you plan to grow a vegetable garden, what is your favorite vegetable to grow and what dishes do you use if for?

fotos mias viejas (6).jpg

On 2 occasions I have tried to plant ginger and it has not been given to me, but if I want to plant several vegetables if I had a small area of ​​land.

I would like to have a family garden where I can grow tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, cucumber, cilantro, potatoes, cauliflower, and a little of each vegetable to go out and pick what I need to make a salad or to season meats.

Once I also planted Paprika and they gave me very good and large, green ones. I would love to have my personal garden and share it with the family.

@phderoes you have an experience with an onion planting, I hope you want to share it with us in this edition # 81. Dare to publish it in this link:


The photographs are my property.


Traduccion al Español:

Por que prefiero el mundo tecnologico de hoy ?

Siempre escuche hablar a mi mama de cuando ella tenia que ir al rio a lavar la ropa y cargar agua para que en la casa tubieran agua para hacer todo lo indispensable de la comida, limpieza y demas que haceres.

Siempre que me imagine haciendo esas labores en esos tiempos le di las gracias a Dios por no haber tocado crecer en esa epoca.

Pero cuando yo naci el mundo no estaba tan actualizado como ahora, me ha tocado crecer junto con el y la verdad me ha gustado porque hay muchas cosas que se hacen mejor ahora.

Como por ejemplo, cuando yo estudie el Secretariado lo hice con una maquina de escribir que debias presionar las teclas para que se marcara la letra con la cinta que tenia la tinta y asi poder escribir. Luego se invento la maquina electrica y su carro se corria solo al llegar hasta el otro lado y su cinta ya se cambiaba por otra y no se le veia la tinta.

En estos tiempos modernos tenemos la computadora, que no solo escribes un documento en el sino que te puedes comunicar con otros mediante una ventana que traen ciertas paginas donde puedes chatear en linea. Asi mismo, ese mismo documento lo puedo enviar via E-mail por la misma computadora conectada a internet.

El telegrama, que era la correspondencia mas urgente que habia, se cambio por estos chat, por el telefono celular y por las video llamadas, indispensables en una celebracion de cualquier tipo.

La ciencia, la medicina, los bancos, las granjas, por nombrar algunos de los campos donde la tecnologia ha ayudado tremendamente al avance del desarrollo. En la casa el uso de la maquina lavaplatos, la cocina que antes era de leña, ahora son electricas y de gas por redes.

La verdad es que no critico a Cenicienta por querer buscar como esposo a un Principe, un hombre con dinero que pudiera pagar servidumbre para que ella no hiciera casi nada. Yo soy una mujer mas de lo moderno y debo avanzar con la tecnologia para no quedarme en el olvido.

Cada nueva generacion de niños nacen con un telefono en la mano y eso esta bien porque aprenden desde pequeños las tecnologias. Mis nietos manejan mejor el telefono celular que yo, muchas veces le pregunto a mi nieto de 4 años como hacer las cosas.

A el le encanta ordenarle a Google, Google quiero ver 100 % Lobo, Google bajale volumen al telefono. Vaya, tenemos mucho que aprender de los niños y de su curiosidad.

Si planeas cultivar una huerta, ¿cuál es tu verdura favorita para cultivar y para qué platos la usas?

En 2 oportunidades he intentado sembrar jengibre y no se me ha dado, pero si quiero sembrar varias verduras si tubiera una pequeña extension de tierra.

Me gustaria tener una huerta familiar donde cosechara tomates, zanahorias, lechuga, pepino, cilantro, papas, coliflor, y un poquito de cada verdura para salir a recoger la que necesite para hacer un plato de ensalada o para condimentar las carnes.

Una vez tambien sembre Pimenton y se me dieron muy bien y grandes, del verde. Me encantaria tener mi huerto personal y compartir con la familia.

@phderoes tiene una experiencia con una siembra de cebollas, ojala la quiera compartir con nosotros en esta edicion # 81. Animate a publicarla en este link:

Las fotografias son de mi propiedad.



Technology is just like trying to put together that desk-you have to ask the nearest 6 year old how to, lol! Anyway, I know that if my son (back in the early 2000's) hadn't been around to get me started, my IT abilities might not be where they are today. Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day!

Yes, we have to rely on the youngest to learn about technology. Thanks for stopping by my blog friend @elizabethbit

You are welcome!💜🤗

It's true that we have learned a lot from children nowadays. The daughter of my friend is very good at computers and she even uses the keyboard faster than I do, lol.

I hope you will have a spacious garden to plant your favorite fruits and veggies soon :)

Thanks for the entry and good luck !LADY

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Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. We still have a lot to learn.

I can't grow Ginger in my climate either, great with my tea and cooking.

Thanks for sharing @isabelpena

I hope that soon I will be able to publish proudly showing off my harvested ginger. Thank you for your visit.


Thank you very much fot your support.

yo tampoco critico a cenicienta todas nos merecemos un principe , amiga creo que tienes razon la vida de antes era muy dificil y hoy en dia la gente nace con un celular enla mano , gracias por compartir

Gracias a ti por dejar un lindo comentario en mi blog amiga @rosz

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Las épocas anteriores eran demasiado duras en cuanto al alcance de los servicios, creo que por eso las personas debían madurar tan rápido, porque muy pronto debían tener grandes responsabilidades. Gracias por compartir 😊

Gracias a ti por pasar por mi blog y dejar un lindo comentario amiga @irenenavarroart

There are always advantages to living in this modern world. That includes making our life more comfortable..yet, along with it are disadvantages as well. And I guess, everyone knows what are they.
Still, we can live simply and peacefully in this modern world.. We just need to keep all things simple.

That's right friend @jane1289, that's well said. Thanks for stopping by my blog.