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RE: An Example of Business Innovation

Something I don't purchase or drink, interesting they consider change of cap and ingredients for short period of time. All machinery would be required to have a steam cleaning to ensure total removal of traces of corn syrup, perhaps they run equipment installed separately.

Does it get tested and passed with legal requirements in place? Is the price the same or adjusted higher?

Brand this big does not really need to expand marketing, they literally sell themselves in most countries around the world.



I suspect they will have the product year-round for those who like it. Although it tastes very much the same. And to those who may not know, it's just a change in cap color, And what a bright contrast to the red label!
I suspect that this is a WIN for Coke.

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Many products here either carry the Halal or Kosher label for identification, first time change on bottle caps I wonder if many would realize.

Coke over here has a large range with different caps for Lite or Normal, I don't drink it,but do use it for cooking gammon in !LOLZ super tasty pulled pork.....

Thanks for the token, much appreciated.

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Pulled pork? Yum!!!
Would you share the recipe?

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I want someone who can set my world on fire!

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Big smoked pork leg (gammon), big pot, 2 liter coke, slow boil. Now up to you....
Hint some stock from pot, cranberry, mustard, chili, white bread buns, cold slaw, friends, feast!
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WOW... sounds good!
I'll cook it this weekend if I have time!
Thank you, sis. I'm sure I will enjoy it.

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Cook for the love of it, add flavours you enjoy, sons enjoy sweet spicy on this one. !LOLZ

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It was a weapon of math disruption.

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Left overs can be used into sandwiches or salads and will keep for a couple of days.