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RE: Wherefore Art Thy Caturday?

in Ladies of Hive • 3 years ago

I like the cat in the first photo, but the second cat is more cute 😀
Cows have the same look everywhere on the planet, don't they?

Lovely post as always, Denise, I hope you're having a wonderful Sunday 🌞

!BEER and !WINE and !PIZZA - perfect 😃


Haha! Yes! Me too. My phone sure does a bad job, but left the house without the camera as I was Riding.

The all have that same clueless look on their face. Thank so much for stopping by and leaving your kund words.

Have a great week ahead!

A real camera will always be the better solution in my eyes and at least for me, but your phone has done a pretty good job - it shows the perfect cow face expression 😉

I wish you a nice Sunday and also a wonderful week ahead 🌞

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)






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I almost never go without the camera, always in the car with me or on my shoulder, but, I sometimes take what I can get. :)

Thanks so much, Hannes! @johannpiber Almost the end of the day and yes! Pizza and beer! My kind of dinner! Serve it up!

Thanks for that and the LUV!

@dswigle! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @johannpiber.

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Thanks for the @pizzabot and @johannpiber

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Thank you so much @johannpiber !! @

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Thanks for the wine!

@dswigle! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @johannpiber.

Did you know PIZZA has a very active community Discord? (1/20)