Our final day in Budapest: A night at the airport hotel

The Expat diaries our final day in Budapest.png

One chapter closed

Monday was D-day, the day we gave our landlord back the keys to his apartment to close the door forever and travel towards the first step of our emigration process. I woke up at 7 AM this morning and in my dreams, I thought I heard our daughter making noise in the living room. I figured she could not sleep anymore as she was too excited.

After three times waking up from the noises, I decided to have a look and when I walked into the living room I found my boyfriend surrounded by piles of paperwork on the floor. He was sorting the last part which I could not finish yesterday. Apparently, he had been up for 1,5 hours already and decided to just stop staring at the ceiling and get to work.

I admit I'm glad he did because I'd probably not taken the time to do that anymore and just dumped everything in the suitcase instead. :)

I was so happy when it was time to go

Until the very last minute, we were going through smaller items that did not really belong anywhere in specific and many things (that we didn't plan on leaving behind) stayed behind or were donated to the friend that brought us to the hotel. I can't emphasize enough how happy I was when the words "shall we go" were pronounced as I was SO fed up with packing and deciding to leave things behind that I wanted to take. I should have packed them in the two boxes we sent to our friend in Spain a few days before we left. But whatever, all these "should haves, could haves, and would haves" didn't change anything so I just had to deal with it instead of feeling bumped. The good news was that our chapter was almost closing in Budapest and we were about to start a new adventure soon.

The arrival at the hotel

I booked the airport hotel to ease our travel as I already saw it long coming that the final hours of packing would be stressful as well as exhausting. The airport hotel actually cost 100 euros but upon arrival, the friendly receptionist told me that if we paid cash, it would be only 89 euros. I was happy that we had cash to get rid off as we just had enough to pay for the hotel in cash and saved ourselves a bit of money right there. We first checked into a small room but when I realized I booked a family room and showed the receptionist the booking he said he'd change it immediately and that was no problem at all. I'm glad he did because that as a big upgrade compared to our first (much smaller) room.

Our family room

We all agreed that this was a nice place to spend our final night, and were hoping for beds that were ok enough so we all could catch some rest before departure the next morning. Here are some pictures of the room, sorry for all the messy sheets but that's our daughter's fault lol, she was instantly testing them out when we came in the room.

The first bedroom:
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The second bedroom:
airport hotel budapest (2).jpg

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The bathroom:
airport hotel budapest (5).jpg

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The toilet:
airport hotel budapest (13).jpg

The hallway:
airport hotel budapest (8).jpg

Honestly, I think this was a good room for a good price mainly because of the extra bedroom as well as the seat where I could sit a bit better for my back than sitting on the bed or a chair behind the desk. Unfortunately, the bed my boyfriend slept on was not that great, but both our daughter and I slept ok in the other room.

The last supper in Hungary

It sounds so dramatic, doesn't it? But, it is the truth, it was our final supper in Hungary and I wanted to capture it no matter how simple it was. We decided to take the safe bet and order a schnitzel with fries as not many places in Budapest have managed to impress us with their food and schnitzels are too easy to mess up as well as something that our daughter eats, no matter where we order it. It was huge, as it often is, nothing fancy but good enough and not that expensive either for a hotel dinner, at least when you pay in Hungarian forints because in Euros it's all more expensive. Thankfully, Revolut metal has got me covered on exchange fees (free, lol) so I can pay in whatever currency available to avoid shitty exchange fees that are adding to the costs.

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We were tired after dinner and headed to the room to change into something more comfortable as well as just watch some tv and check some online stuff. When our daughter fell asleep, we decided to have a drink to close this chapter and hopefully fall asleep soon, which worked for me but not for my boyfriend, he really had some stomach trouble again, even with this simple food and I heard him walk around for quite some time before he could finally lay down and try to sleep. I hope Spain offers a better quality of food and wish for him to have less trouble after eating there.

Our evening topped off with a sunset seen from our balcony:


Breakfast in the hotel

For our daughter the breakfast was a no-brainer: she wanted pancakes as there was a pancake machine.


Some maple syrup and she was good to go.

For me it was a bit of a challenge as I really dislike most breads served in Hungary, I rarely visited a place where I fancied the bread offered in a hotel or even in restaurants unless it was a bit of a more expensive place to have breakfast. I did not expect anything better than what I ate:


The seemed to be fresh bread slice was my own bad, I already knew this bread is quite dry and mission impossible to add butter to it without ruining the bread. I just decided to eat the "kifli" which is a croissant but from bread and this one was at least fresh and good enough for breakfast. I did not eat any fruit as it was all still hard and not the fruit I consider ready to be eaten. I decided not to drink any coffee before departure as it would probably not meet my coffee standards, lol. Just water will do.

Previous parts of The Expat Diaries


  • All images in this post are my own.

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Love your travel blog as always.

I am looking forward to your posts on the new places and hope you have a great arrival.

Thanks :) yes going through the trip step by step :)

Welcome to Spain ... I think the bread will be better here 😉

Absolutely no doubt about it! I already knew so because we lived here for a small year before moving to Budapest. I'm so pleased to enjoy the Spanish bread again, what an upgrade! :)

I moved last year (October) to Spain. And no regrets at all!

I just noticed that, and I saw your blog about buying a car, I followed you as I'm sure I can learn a thing here and there from your process :)
Will come back later to read some more, trying to catch up on some work first.

As I am very curious can I ask where you´re from and where you moved, I am a Dutchie that moved to Andalusia

Belgian, lived in philippines for 5 years and now in Murcia (Mar Menor)

Nice, Philipines & Indonesia are still a maybe one day option in my book, Murcia is cool but it´s not Andalusia. Well I ll follow you see how you like it there. I ve been here for 12 years and not going back if I don't need to

Philippines was nice ... But not anymore. As a tourist it's still good, but for permanently living there is not funny anymore.

Wow! The day has come. I wish you and your family safe travels. Do have fun while in transit. Hahah.. I love all the images. Its so beautiful, inviting and warm. Cheers🥂

Finally... All the best to you and your family as you embark in a new place :) Cheers!

Thank you, and it sure felt like a long road some days, but thankfully we made it! Thank you for your kind words!

Hungarian doors closed forever, Spanish dors opened up to the new life to come! Congrats on making it!

That was a very cozy and nice room for your last night! I hope your journey to Spain is beyond awesome! And thanks a lot, now I want some schnitzel lol lol!

Happy travels my friend, can't wait to see a settling in post soon😊



Yes, that was fine!
I'm going through the content day by day and trying to post them in the actual order. Today is catching up day lol.

Thanks and soon I will be more settled and active. I appreciate your comments <3


Hope you are getting all caught up! I feel as if I never will be lol! Replying to comments alone is kicking my butt these days along with life's chaos, I know you get it!😁

Haha, trust me when I say I barely read anything and only responded to comments when I happen to catch them at that moment. I have to dig a bit for that but first trying to catch up on fresh content for Listnerds as I have so much content to share now. I was hoping for this of course :)

And yes I get it haha, it's all good! :)


Don't the eat a lot of fish in Spain? I guess it probably matters if you are on the coast or something. It sounds like you had a really nice if not a little bitter-sweet last day/night in Budapest. I hate packing, so I totally hear you there. Lucky for me, my wife is less of a pack rat than I am, so if we ever do move again, she has already helped me weed out most of the useless stuff that I didn't need to begin with! Good luck on the next chapter of your life!

And there they go...the end of an era and it is time! for something new!

Absolutely! So happy to be here, things aren't going all smooth yet, but I remain very positive and feel so enlighted to be here :) new chapters are incoming!

How are you doing? I have not been able to follow up on many people lately as I was all in moving mode :) lol

I hope you have many successes in your new life!

Thank you :)

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As one door closes, another opens! I hope the new chapter in your life is starting well! Im looking forward to the next posts! 🙂

I've been catching up on my mails and engagement and happy to arrive here! 😂 I'm so glad you arrived Spain safely after all the hassle of packing and getting rid of stuff.

Nice hotel room and for 89 euros! It's not bad. I'm sure your daughter was super excited and saw it all as an adventure. Hehe.

Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing!

Goodbye Hungry, hello new life! I am sure you are sad to leave and excited to get to your new home at the same time. Thanks for sharing.