Mum's Infectious Smile

in Ladies of Hive11 months ago

After months of waiting and longing for returning home, I finally found myself back within the familiar street, beach, food and people. I planned to travel some places in Viet Nam that I haven't been to; however, much to my surprise, I missed a lot of opportunities and did not fulfill all of my travel plans for some reasons. I felt myself not much into wanderlust and adventure as before, it seemed to come a point when my desire to explore begins to wane. I find myself questioning why but I had a feeling an uncharacteristic laziness creeping in myself.


Well, it was always beautiful being back home seeing family members, catching up with some friends and enjoying foods. This time everything was wonderful but one undeniable truth that weighed heavily on my heart: my mother was growing older and increasingly frail. It was as if time had fast-forwarded in my absence, there were some changes in her appearance and health that I had failed to notice during our infrequent video calls.


I understand we will grapple with the reality of aging, but it sneaks up on my Mom so fast. Aging and worrying are chipping away at her vitality and transforming her into unfamiliar versions of herself. I was shock first day home seeing her-a moment when her infectious smile vanished, her once talkative nature grew silent, and her positive spirit seemed to dim. She used to be a vibrant woman who had always radiated warmth and optimism. It was as if she had become an entirely different person and I felt very unpleasant.


I facilitate this opportunity home and recognized Mum's health problem taking her to see doctor, being by her side, and making every effort to make her feel better. Watching my mother gradually regain her infectious smile and finally feeling better, my brothers and I were so happy. It was bittersweet leaving her side again, but knowing she was on the mend gave me a sense of relief.

Whenever I find a spare moment in my day, I eagerly reach for my phone and initiate a video call with Mum, not only to catch up on her day but also to ensure her well-being. 🙂


Mum's smiles like a beautiful flower
It's infectious, spreading joy and warmth ❤️

Mom has dedicated her entire life to caring for her loved ones and her sole focus shifted towards ensuring the happiness and well-being of her children and then grandchildren. She truly deserves the care and love from us.


Welcome back home, time flies so speedily and I don't know who decided to turn the clock that way.
It very obvious that aging seems more significant in adult rather than in younger ones and at that time it's is usual for vibrancy to be reduced.
I wish your mum and everyone a happy new week, sound health.

:) Our life is a cycle, we start small and weak with little knowledge developing into strong humans than all the way back how we start. Its sad but it's a cycle about life :). Thank you for your kind words.

I can really feel the love and concern you have for your mother in your heartfelt post.
Cherishing moments with our loved ones, especially as they age, is so important, and your dedication to ensuring her well-being is truly admirable. Your mom's smiles are indeed like beautiful flowers, and your words reflect the warmth of your relationship. Wishing you and your family many more moments of love and togetherness. 🌸❤️

Very nice of you, I do concern about her as Mum is always number one ❤ I've tried whatever makes her feel better and want her nothing but the best for her :)

How are you dear friend @trangbaby good morning
I think that as time goes by one changes, becomes more homely and enjoys other things, like spending time with loved ones.
I'm sorry that your mother has been sick, and I'm glad to know that she is gradually getting better.
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid weekend

Thanks @jlufer. I had quality time wirh mum and she is recovering now :)

I really appreciated your kind words

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Helping your Mom back to better health simply took away time that you planned for exploring, something you will never regret.

Precious moments spent with family, one day we look back and realize how fast it all went, sounds like a magically visit where you spent quality time together.


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Very true dear, being besides far more important than seeing countryside landscape. Mum so happy and I'm glad she is getting better now :)

Thanks for your visit 🥰😘

Being better and more settled both you and your Mother will feel happier.

Love the flowers, it's so nice to see it blooms. I hope you're doing great. ❤️🥰

Thank you Sasha, I'm doing well :) Hope all is well with you ❤

Thank you as well, so far so good. 😍🥰

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In years to come Trang, you will be glad you did not go wandering this time and did spend time with your mum. I would work abroad and video calls are not the same as seeing mums in the flesh. They do age. It has been a few years since my mother passed away six months after my father.
Mothers do deserve the care and love, so am glad you are calling her just to see how she is. That is sweet and I feel what you are going through. Big hugs from Scotland..

Sorry to hear about your parents.
Sad but true, they do age and it hurts when seeing them getting older and weaker. Yea, its so different when video call than meeting Mum in person. She is vulnerable at this age and I would love to do anything to make her feel better.

Thanks so much for your kind words @tengolotodo, and hope your having great week

Well you know Trang she will love when you call. Just remember that will make her day.

Have a wonderful week and give that wee pup Jetti a big hug for me 😁

It's always very worrying when our parents grow old and we are not by their side. Hopefully seeing you will make her feel a lot better. Are you returning to Australia again?

Thanks Pauline, really appreciated it :) She was pretty happy to see me and she's getting better now. I came home for a couple of week and already returned back to Aus a few weeks ago 🙂

Aww Trang, what a sweet post and I am so glad you got to go home and be with your mom and call her more often now. You are right she sure deserves love and care.

I myself go around in the same way and I take pictures of flowers and plants that I capture for my post. All these flowers looks so beautiful.

Aging does sneak up on us. One day we are in our twenties and the next, we find ourselves on the other side of a half of a century, but still feel twenty something in our heads!

You honor your mom by taking care of her; she does deserve some coddling as she has coddled all of her children. You are awesome! Take care and have a lovely day!🤗💜

Beautiful tribute to your mom. And I know what you mean. Those who can see their family and friends regularly or even daily, they cannot really notice any changes but if you live somewhere else and only get to see your beloved ones like once in a year or maybe even less often, you are going to see all the changes (and aging) much more intensely... Really glad to know that your mom eventually regained her enthusiasm and positive spirit though ;)

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