Women without color! Racial Injustice - LOH 144

Bienvenidos a mi blog! Que tal estan por aquí en esta bonita comunidad, me siento muy feliz de estar otra semana más aquí y esta vez trajeron a la mesa temas muy interesantes y de todos yo por mi parte escogí la injusticia racial

Welcome to my blog! How are you doing here in this beautiful community, I am very happy to be here for another week and this time you brought to the table very interesting topics and from all of them I chose racial injustice.


Quiero dejar en claro que hablaré desde mi opinión, y comenzaré diciendo que hipócrita es el mundo y los que habitamos en el, hablar de la injusticia racial se queda corta para el pensamiento que quizás muchas tenemos, se puso de moda el ser inclusivo, pero sigue siendo una moda, el racismo sigue existiendo, quizás no como antes pero aún sigue, en alguna oportunidad vi un video donde dos chicos se hacían pasar por ciegos a diferencia de que uno era blanco y el otro de color, en mi mente ya sabía lo que iba a pasar y pues si, solo ayudaron a la persona blanca.

I want to make it clear that I will speak from my opinion, and I will begin by saying that the world and those who live in it are hypocritical, to talk about racial injustice falls short for the thought that perhaps many of us have, it became fashionable to be inclusive, but it is still a fashion, racism still exists, maybe not as before but it still continues, once I saw a video where two guys pretended to be blind because one was white and the other was colored, in my mind I knew what was going to happen and well yes, they only helped the white person.

Pienso que todo parte desde los estereotipos ancestrales jaja, desde pequeña siempre vi como mujeres o personas en general casi siempre consiguen las cosas fáciles, tenemos implantado en el cerebro que una chica rubia y flaca es mucho más atractiva, cuando todo eso es subjetivo, claramente se puede hablar de injusticia racial cuando enciendes el tv y estoy segura de que el 80% de las reporteras y conductoras son mujeres blancas

I think everything starts from the ancestral stereotypes haha, since I was little I always saw how women or people in general almost always get the easy things, we have implanted in the brain that a blonde and skinny girl is much more attractive, when all that is subjective, clearly you can talk about racial injustice when you turn on the tv and I'm sure that 80% of the reporters and hosts are white women.

He maquillado a mujeres de color y no se imaginan la piel tan bonita que pueden tener, pero lo que más me ha llamado la atención es que hasta su entorno más cercano juzga y hacen preguntas estúpidas refiriéndose a que muchas cosas no le quedan bien por su color, cuando incluso a las mujeres blancas no le quedan muchos tonos, porque varía según su tonalidad de piel fría o cálida

I have done make-up for women of color and you can't imagine the beautiful skin they can have, but what has caught my attention the most is that even their closest environment judges and ask stupid questions referring to the fact that many things don't look good on them because of their color, when even white women don't have many shades, because it varies according to their cold or warm skin tone.

Incluso me molesta hacer este post refiriéndome a mujeres blancas o de color, porque podríamos referirnos a las mujeres blancas como desteñidas o sin color jaja

It even bothers me to make this post referring to white women or women of color, because we could refer to white women as bleached or colorless haha.

Veronica Martin piensa es que existirá la igualdad cuando nuestro niños al dibujar personas también las hagan de color, cuando en la casa expliquemos que en el mundo existen muchas personas y cada una tiene un color o un tono de piel distinto y que eso esta BIEN, no llenándonos de hipocresía, haciendo una inclusión desde el marketing y hacer creer que todas la compañías son cool porque incluyen a personas con ese color, todo comienza en nuestro corazón y en nuestra casa

Veronica Martin thinks that equality will exist when our children when drawing people also make them of color, when at home we explain that in the world there are many people and each one has a different color or skin tone and that this is OK, not filling us with hypocrisy, making an inclusion from marketing and make believe that all companies are cool because they include people with that color, it all starts in our hearts and in our homes.





Hi to you,
my way of responding to your text is inviting you to make a little mind experiment.

Let's say, you find yourself in a situation where, for example, you see a beggar outside the shop on Christmas Eve, my theses is, that a thousand and one reasons will play into your reaction as to whether you give him something or walk past him.

It could be that you have no cash, so you keep walking. It could be that you are completely preoccupied with yourself and don't see him at all. It could be that you're pissed off about something happened shortly before and you're thinking, "You bum, go beg somewhere else!" or it could be that you're in a mild mood and you stop and give the beggar money because it's Christmas. How much you notice and disregard a person depends most strongly on your situational mood, condition, attention and inattention. Less on HIS skin colour and external characteristics. Less on how you or him ticks "in principle" because principles in every day life play less a role than we usually think they do. We humans are spontane creatures and we often decide through our moods and not based on our principles. If you make a principle a demand what you mostly get is resistance or obedience.

Isn't it also true that if you were asked afterwards, after leaving the department stores', "why you didn't or do give money to the beggar sitting outside?", you would have difficulty finding explicit reasons? But if someone demands "Give me an answer!" that can be intimidating and you answer what you think is politically correct?

The moment the person asking you brings up skin color, he reduces the complexity of every situation. He narrows the question of why you were attentive or inattentive to a mono-cause. That is manipulative and it doesn't do justice to the multiple reasons of what goes on in individuals.

I agree that when people start "explaining" to children what the world they are growing up in is like, instead of letting them see it for themselves, they are committing the first of many mistakes. Children are constantly observing their fellow world and environment. Unless they are blind, they have eyes with which they can see in the neighbourhood, in kindergarten, in school, in real time and they just draw how they see this world. Let them draw what they see and not what you would like them to see, or worse what they "ought to see".

Greetings to you.

me gusta la crítica sobre lo que es una tendencia y cómo las cosas desde el punto de vista práctico, distan mucho de haber cambiado totalmente. No obstante, como bien sabrás, los verdaderos cambios toman tiempo. Es algo triste y ácido decirlo así, pero a la vista están las pruebas de cuándo las cosas realmente dieron un giro distinto. Esperemos, realmente lo digo en serio, que cambien. No sólo en cuanta a la práctica absurda del racismo sino en cómo podemos ser mejore integralmente. Excelente post y brillante mirada, @veronicamartinc

Estoy de acuerdo contigo de que es algo que lleva mucho tiempo, pero también pienso que en los tiempos de ahora son tiempos de transformación y que desde el amor y la educación se va a lograr! Sin hipocresía ni marketing, incluso me pasa algo particular mi hija es rubia ojos azules y me parece tan absurdo como denigran a amiguitas por no ser como ella, incluso le molesta que le digan catira porque en su pensamiento ella solo es sophia

Lindo nombre el de tu nena. Y sí, lo que denuncias es algo palpable, evidente, incuestionable; sin embargo, es (infortunadamente) un hábito espantoso heredado y únicamente cuestionado en tiempos recientes. De allí, lo de "llevará tiempo modificarlo". Excelente tu post, @veronicamartinc. Eso, seguramente lo sentirás como su autora. Cuando hagas más contenido como este, subversivo,. desafiante, crítico, etiquétame. Me gustaría estar al tanto de esos posts. Un enorme abrazo.

Different tones of skin from regions of the world, filled with some exceptionally beautiful woman over all spectrum's, crazy concept comes through media fashion.

Times are changing where cosmetics to suit all skin tones, styles of hair vary greatly, high cheek bone structure in some a great feature, great body on others may be a deciding factor, all have hidden treasure from ancestors.

Where real betrayal of people is evident is within those with no pigmentation (lack of melanin), Albinism within all races for some reason are shunned. Again inherited from ancestors not having much sun.

!LUV our African ladies are doing it for themselves creating their own fashion statement !LOLZ

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Es lamentable que aún en el siglo XXI seguimos viendo racismo, la diferencia es que ahora está difrazado de inclusión. Admito que a veces pierdo mi fe en la humanidad, pero se que aún hay buenas personas capaces de tratar a todos por igual. Un abrazo Veronica, que tengas feliz día.😊

Vaya mr gusta tu opinión. Hace días yo meditaba con un video que vi y wao es sorprendente como se ve la discriminación racional, es algo que a pesar de los años no se acaba