Pasty and orange arguments - landing at Dreemport

in Ecencylast month (edited)


It's a dreem. Don't ask me how I know if I haven't woken up yet. You must be silent. Everything is happening in a pasty, orange reality where arguments, for now, are unnecessary. The thing is I got to Dreemport.


Everyone spoke of a garden where chaos ruled. While some tender and fragrant mint plants tried to spread kindness, nestled on their porches.


I'm told it's all about combinations and clues scattered here and there. There is a chest full of gold. To get to it you need to delve into maps, nooks and crannies, people who sabotage you and maybe get a tigress who is the captain of a pirate ship drunk.

I continue with the clues. I just have to fish them and I liked knowing that oranges also grow among the blueberries. Careful! One wrong step and you get a rotten thing. I don't understand why when I see a button I feel an uncontrolled urge to touch it. I did it, I did it… my hands shook after pressing where it says “merge”. 🙄

It was chaos.



A squash all ruined.

That's why now I see everything like this, orange. And I haven't woken up. Maybe I won't do it anymore.


Let's try the following: be sophisticated, level 5. I need money, hard work.

Someone whispered in my ear, with a sarcastic tone, and I could see myself in the sky turned into an orange bird. I see in that orange skin something dreamy, moon and butterfly.


I fell.


I made a noise over the water.


Look, don't try to understand this. Just let yourself be carried away by the cadence of my words. I told you I just arrived. I'm a newbie.

Still I have collected some clues for you:


This is the last post of DreeMerge Season 2

Click here to pick up the pace. But, but...
look at the photo. There is definitely something with mushrooms and mint.

Meowwwwwwww - Cat? (Note the emphasis in the text)

My words sound like little things of glass on a soft breeze afternoon. Hey, dreemie, that's good for the garden: music.


(I'm close to your ear) – “She's the one with the answers, she calls herself @dreemsteem. Pay attention.”

Maybe we can start some dance and body expression sessions. They told me to join the team of those who collect rotten things. They are the funniest dreemers in the entire region. They don't chase treasures, they just sing and dance around the campfire and tell each other weird stories and eat mushrooms? Oh...who knows. 😅

Music. Yes, you know. It will be good for certain characters that cause trouble, such as peppers.

My plan is the following. One more week as an observer and participating with sanity. I'll have to take painkillers so I don't press every button I see. Then I will take a few long strokes in this orange sea and try to sabotage the pirate ship.

Don't ask me how I'll do it either… I didn't even wake up. And I'm already writing a post about something that I don't even understand. BTW, thanks to all the dreemers for the warm welcome.

I will be writing stories. It's my cup of tea. Writing, writing... is what keeps me alive.

Good luck and never forget the password  #dreemerforlife.

(I used some screenshots from the Dreemport website, hope that's not a problem.)

Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.


Hola tronca!

Okey, sorry for being off-topic and too-Madrileňo here. Anyways, how about another writing contest? I thought about something that could bring together the Cuban/Hispano and Czech cultures this time (remember that you made me read Alejo Carpentier in way).

200 Hive again ;)

Hola Tronco! jajaja...

Volvemos a hacerlo, ¡claro que sí! Preparemos todo para el mes entrante. Deal?

Pues vale! Te molestará si quería hablar sobre el concurse un poco en Discord o una otra platforma? Tengo una o dos ídeas para majorarlo para ti y para los competidores. Sé que mi Castellano es malísimo pero me gusta hablar mejo que escrítar :P

Nunca me ha molestado hablar con mi pescado favorito 😁

Me gusta que soy pescado y no pez! :P

😂 You have been caught (pez atrapado = pescado (participio)) but you are a big fish!

Oh, darn!

Pues, podríamos a llamar ese fin de semana en Discord? Me recuerdó que tuviste alguna problema aquá el último tiempo.

Okay. Sunday, if you like. Quieter day for me. Discord va bien. Solo no puedo enviar archivos, me dice que necesito VPN.

Vale vale, no necesitarías enviar archivos ;) es solámenta para hablar sobre lo un poquitico :) Voy a explorar una fábrica de cervezas en el campo ese domingo (que sorpresa!) pero por la tarde de Cuba, sería en mi casa y podrémos llamar ;)

It's MArs! I know it is!! And there is life! Woohoo!


I'm on Mars, I have a "aplanophobio" here that says hi to you. 🤣

Lol! Hello from earth!!!

You must be silent



And I'm already writing a post about something that I don't even understand.

And I didn't really understand a lot here hahaha but if this is about writing you will do great 🥂

It's all about engagement, interaction, collecting cards, combining them, merging them and discovering the mystery that the captain is revealing, through clues in the posts.
...And continue writing as always, because otherwise I would die, I am already missing some things in my life that have directly to do with my breathing.

Thank you, mipiano. 🥂

Oh, cool. Looks interesting and exciting, with clues to follow and resolve mysteries 😃

I'm so confused. But I like it.

It is a community of dreemers in Hive. This link explains more, because I really can sometimes be very confusing.

Ahhhhh, ok, thanks. It seems very... dreemy.

Who knows if she leaves a clue or a glue to get squashed, lol


😅 That's a good one.

I believe it's glue hahaha

What a beautiful gameplay post! We are all 'newbies' sailing in the same Dreemie Pirates Ship... newbies because when it comes to any dreem hunt, only the Captain can we trust (more than the rest) to drop clues that lead to the treasure chest.
The closer thy ears be to 'er mouth, the clearer the sound of Instructions shall be for thee, fellow pirate.

So be patient, and do not forget the li'l clue I left for thee ☝😂

The closer thy ears be to 'er mouth, the clearer the sound of Instructions shall be for thee, fellow pirate.


Oh... 🤔

This can cause insomnia. LOL

You got a rotten squash already 🤣🤣🤣, oh no..what a fun gameplay

I am a newbie here, looking for clue left and right but hey #dreemer, I am yet to see clues in this post..all you Dreemer are being stingy with clues, haha 😂😂


Well, we are in the same boat. I'm just making it clear that I only know that I don't know anything. 😂

Thanks for stopping by and see you in Dreemport! 😜

Violin, orange, silence and the inner self.

The violin leads to another world, being aware of everything, the orange is the energy and the communication with oneself that in the silence makes you find yourself and be in the real world. This world is not real, but in sleep you can find it... your true self.

🙂 Me dejas... Your words were wise. And mysterious.

(Dreemport es una gran experiencia para escritores, ven a bordo)

I'll be watching it to see what it's all about....

I didn't understand what I was reading but I took your advice and looked up the answers Dreemsteem's a game! Best of luck finding clues, winning and merging cards, and unraveling the mystery!!! Arriba Nani!!! Arriba Nani!!! 😃

😁 ¡Qué chica más lista eres!

De eso se trata, Amanda.

Thank goodness I only read it without putting all my hopes on getting a clue, hehehe.
But did you actually get a squash 😀?

Yes, never try a merge with a single card. Everything will rot. 🤣

Sorry, I got the wrong dream, or maybe not. I hope I'm not disturbing. I am familiar with these orange tones. Beautiful images. Maybe I've been here before. I've read something about mushrooms.... I would have to say bon voyage.... Maybe I'm wrong, but if you need a treasure map, I have one. Have a good rest

I need a treasure map para encontrarme a mí misma. 😣

(a place for writers like you, come on board)

I'm already going to that place for lost writers, I think I'll like it. But maybe you won't be there when I get there. Maybe you've already found yourself. Can't be so lost someone who so many people have found....

👻 Always so kind. Thank you.

Recordé esta canción ahora.

si me pierdo es que ya me he encontrado y sé que debo continuar

Acabo de entrar y me encuentro esta joyita:

Qu'importe là où je vais
Tant que j'ai l'audace
De tenir la main de l'autre
Pour aimer le temps qui passe
Dans tout ce que je fais
La rage et l'amour s'embrassent
Quelle soit mienne ou qu'elle soit vôtre
La vie nous dépasse


Y, sí, esta vez, te grito 😁


😇 Hasta mañana; que tengas una fructífera tarde, sin pensar...caminando 🎶

No sé qué tesoro esperas encontrar, pero el tesoro está en ti. Yo ya lo he encontrado, eres tú.🥰🤗🍊

😊 Ay mamani. Jajaja... tú también eres mi tesoro, pero hay que ver cómo encuentro este de aquí. O quizás si ayudo a alguien que necesite mucho encontrarlo, esto también me hará feliz.