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RE: Vote like a whale??? by using Ecency? tell me more!

in Ecency • 2 years ago

I will give it to you though.

Your title is brilliant.

It's amazing how similar my story is too 😅

Years ago, one night, I got so sad that I wrote a post about wishing to be a whale. It was brilliant.

I wanted to be able to vote people and actually make a significant difference. It feels way better than getting upvotes most times. It's one of the reasons I'd do any curating job even if I get nothing in return. I know how it feels to have 3 cents or less on your post.

Ecency is the best. The idea of the points is wonderful. I literally gave me a superpower. For a long time I garnered a decent amount of points I figured I'd be using it for people. Up until recently I actually boosted some of my own post (awkward grin).

No way I'm not boosting this post asap 🤣


oh my goodness - hehehe first of all... let me tell you that finding the perfect title is REALLY always important to me.

I changed this title several times to try to make it hit hard!!! :)


ahhhhhhhhh thank you so much for boosting my post!!! and you know what? as i stated in another comment on here - that I have no problem with people using their own boost for their own posts!

I know that some of the people on the chain frown upon it - but I don't see it as a bad thing at all. Let people live the way they see is best - right? Why are so many people always looking into each other's backyards and judging?? LOL

yes - we have the ability to see everythign on the blockchain - and have the ability to freely check someone's wallets or transations... but just because we CAN, doesnt' mean we SHOULD hahahaha

Life is a lot better when we keep minding our own wallets and just spread joy and love and peace! hehehe

so more power to you for taking the points that you earned with your hard work - and then applying that to a post - where I assume you did work just as hard! hehehehe

wonderful comment - and I'm so glad that you are feeling so powerful with Ecency! hehehehehe

Every single part of this comment makes so much sense and resonates with me.

I knew I couldn't beat you to the award for best comment ever 🤣

You win this time

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh my gosh - another hilarious gif!!!!! LOLOLOL

ok- maybe i win with comment this time - but you win with gif!!!!!!!!! LOLOLOL