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RE: Setting up a new community

in Ecency2 years ago (edited)

Do you have an idea for starting your own community on Hive?

It would be much better to make the existing communities really active. What is the point if every user have his/her own community, if none of the communities are really active?


That is a good point, but I hope Hive is growing and will have room for new communities. I think many topics are covered, but, for example, what if you loved golf (I do not, personally). I do not think there is a golf community. Is there a demand for one? In my experience, you never know. It is often surprising to me what is popular.

Golf would fit for example in OCD, in GEMS. And in many other communities. I love amateur radio, but currently there is no amateur radio community on the Hive blockchain either. But I would not think that it is a good idea to create a separate community for every hobby/passion/occupation. Maintaining and improving the already existing huge number of communities is a much better idea. At least this is my opinion.

There are certainly plenty of inactive communities, but it is up to the Community admin to promote and build a community. If you think you can do a better job building, than one that already exists and is not being properly promoted, I say go for it!

@melinda010100 I have a community already outside hive, we have been trying to sign up to no avail, we need help to sign them up to hive.

Trouble creating a Hive account, or trouble convincing them they should begin using Hive?

There is trouble creating account, I own this community outside hive, they want to signup, the problem is with signing up. I have made a short post on these for better understanding

In the Ecency Discord there is a channel for ECENCY help for beginners. This post may provide some answers.

I can help with providing you with a few accounts. Let's DM on Discord.