This should help keep me safe(r)!
Most people are bitten by snakes when they are either trying to kill them or capture them. I do NOT recommend that others do the things that do. That said... After getting bit by a Cottonmouth last year while attempting to pick it up with a pair of BBQ tongs, I realized that I should probably be wiser and not put myself in situations like that. After seeing a link for Midwest Tongs recently, I decided perhaps the time had come for me to "up my game" and get some real gear. In this video, just days after I placed my order, I unbox my purchase from Midwest Tongs.
Hello dear friend @ papa-pepper Good afternoon
This was a wise decision, these tools will keep you more protected, even so, you have to be very careful when handling them, there are some species of snake that their speed allows you to outwit these tools.
Thank you very much for letting us know about this new toy.
I wish you a beautiful afternoon
Now that is real badass.
Less badass than your hands of course... Lol.
But safety comes first
A good idea, an sure cheaper than a hospital visit. :)
The old saying of, "right tool for the job" seems EXTRA important when dealing with poisonous and pissed off creatures, let alone doing some wood working or repairs.
Only thing left for you to do is practice your snake charming skills.
Those products are great for practical use @papa-pepper. Here we also have very much snake problems and about 30 peoples die in my area because of unavailability of anti-venom. I will also make an order I guess. Not probably from midwest tongs but from easy deliverable survive from my country.
Really wise decision. For the singular reason that you are into wild life.
Way to be a good example and show us those snakes in a safer way! Now I'm waiting for upgrade on your chainsaw safety equipment!
Wow cool.. did they come with instructions... he he