... No Inspiration

in Reflections2 months ago (edited)

I left the house late morning with the plan to hike to a river beach that is a bit more hidden and - aside from that - more natural than the one with the 'ombrellas' that I shared in my recent posts.

As I tend to do, I took one of my many notebooks and some coloring pens along with me, as well as some nice food and plenty of water, quite important as I planned to stay out for a couple of hours and it was (about to get) pretty hot out there.

The hike was nice, some serious exercise, and I enjoyed swimming and the nature as well as some cream crackers with peanut butter
but, truth be told, inspiration didn't hit me. I chilled and went for another swim, in the amazingly fresh water ( not too warm not too cold ).

I had also listened to a podcast called 'The Unmistakable Creative' ( by now I must have gone through at least a 100 episodes, over the years ) during my 45 minute hike.

Nothing happened creatively though

After leaving the river beach, I walked to the village bar, where I had talked about my creative process with an acquaintance, days ago ( as can be read in my previous sharing:

Do you understand your creative process?

I drank some cold beer, ate some lukewarm cheese and watched the last hour or so from one of the final stages of this year's Tour de France.

Even though I had laid down my notebook and coloring pencils in front of me, nothing happened, inspiration wise...

The only thing I jotted down on paper was that I was annoyed by the loud, seemingly exaggerated noises of an old woman at a table behind me, licking ice cream like a greedy dog devouring his food but - unlike the dog - it went on for many minutes.

I guess she couldn't help it.

I then discovered that I had my sketchie of Robin the hairy-chested red-breast(ed) robin with me too.

Read more on this guy in Robin goes to the river

So, in an attempt to make the woman behind the bar smile, I walked up to her and showed her the above drawing. I said, translated from Portuguese:

I don't know the name of this type of bird but it's wearing my swimming pants and walking on the river beach, out here...

The drawing did make her smile, an effect I do tend to have on her, but I forgot to mention the chest-hair part. She probably didn't notice this detail on the drawing, busy as she was with other customers. Which is a bit of a shame, as I'm sure it would have made her laugh out loud. Even more, as I walked into the bar in swimming pants and shirtless, so she surely must have noticed my chest hair.
and please don't call me shirley and have connected the dots/seen the parallels between that robin and me.

Anyhow, after having finished two beers, most of the cheese ( I took the rest home ), and ice cream, I paid my bill. I even ordered a cold Coca-Cola ( something I rarely drink ) for the road. I thought the possible sugar/caffeine boost might work wonders.

It's now hours later, I have been home for a while and even this aforementioned drink/medicine hasn't had any effect on my creative outpouring today.

It is fine though.
Tomorrow is another idea.
Also, I am hungry and it's dinner time.

Who knows, I might get inspired later tonight.
Or not.

Whatever's the case, I'm okay with it.


Hahahaha I love this bird! Amazing trunks 🐘!

I think your new account is going to inspire a post I make and it’s going to be about tantric sex and the creative process. I wonder if you can guess where I might go with it and I wonder if I can remember to write it 🤣

I think your new account is going to inspire a post I make and it’s going to be about tantric sex and the creative process. I wonder if you can guess where I might go with it and I wonder if I can remember to write it 🤣

Ehm... perhaps you're thinking of a trunk in your trunks ;<)

P.S. If you forget, I will make sure to remind you of it haha!

Sometimes I feel like this, without inspiration, but it has happened to me that if I look for it, less comes; It is better not to "force the bar", which comes in the end.


but it has happened to me that if I look for it, less comes; It is better not to "force[...]

That makes sense. I actually wrote about not forcing things in my previous post Do you understand your creative process? In fact, I think it is a recurring theme of mine and something I have mentioned over and over again, on my old blog @vincentnijman :<)

Muchas gracias for your thoughtful comment and wishing you a creative day!✨

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