Loneliness, My Old Friend...

in Reflectionslast month

It's not about days, weeks or months... I think it's been almost two years since I was not really alone, and those days have arrived, since yesterday I am alone at home, I go a few hours to my work and come back, and it turns out that my girl had to go to sing in another region of my country and will take until the weekend between rehearsals and concerts. I planned a lot of things for this season, but there is so much to do that I don't really do anything.

The first thing that has crossed my mind is the amount of time I have spent without being alone, last year I was even afraid, it was very recent the death of my dad and all the changes that brings in our lives, so I made an effort to always have company. The fear has disappeared and in fact I am finding creativity again, I never forget that my best ideas and projects have been born in the midst of loneliness, it is something I do not understand, but I like it. I think it's not only about being alone, but having time for myself, to be able to execute everything that comes to my mind.

It doesn't feel the same as before, life is not the same anymore. I had never had so many responsibilities as now and also work demands a lot from me; at the end of the day I realize that everything boils down to a few hours really free to do whatever I want because I do not know if it is the age, but now sleep is paramount, something that was left aside in the past. Another thing that has changed is that feeling that everything was fine and I could immerse myself in my world and do big projects, now I am disturbed by the doubt if my family is ok, or if my girl is really comfortable and healthy. I already know that life can change in a single second, in fact very dark thoughts go through my mind, I could need help here in my room and no one would know...

Yes, I have free time, ideas overflow in my mind and in fact I have already started to create magic with my voice and my hands, but it doesn't feel like before. I have reached that moment in my life where the rages, the sadness, the betrayals and the worries have made me a little tired, and I just want peace, I just want peace, I just want to be well with myself, even though my overprotective family instinct is active. I can't travel to my parents' house, and I couldn't accompany my girl on her trip; I have work and a lot of it, but it doesn't have me stressed, because to think of those thoughts that cross my mind for seconds, I'm usually focused on my mental health.

I will let the days go by without planning much, I will take advantage of this week to watch a series in my free time, I will cook for myself, I will exercise at the time I want and not at the time my girl can, when I feel inspired I will sing and when I want to sleep alone I will throw myself into bed, I am still getting married exactly in a week 😅 maybe these are my last days to feel like a man without commitments. I don't feel like going for a walk and I don't want to visit friends either, I really want to take advantage of this solitude, I think I'll just go to my work and come back. It seems like I have aged by the way I think, but it's just that really last year was not easy at all and I think I still feel tired, also, I miss everyone, but not sadly. I feel that the God Level of my life is about to begin, and this is a short and well deserved break...


We must appreciate every moment that life gives us, and one of those moments is when we are alone, since it allows us to realize that we are individuals capable of developing by ourselves; enjoying the tranquillity of your home helps you to connect to yourself and inspire you to organize your time and projects.

Congratulations for your upcoming wedding, I recommend you for my experience to enjoy your marriage first achieving all your goals before having babies, cause then your time will be only for your children ha, ha, ha, ha, But don't get me wrong, being a parent is the best. ❤️ Greetings my dear. Enjoy every moment of your life 😊

Don't worry, my friend, of course I have understood you well and you are quite right. We would like to be parents, but there is a lot to put in order first. At the moment we are very focused on building our life together and this week alone and away can actually be good for us, plus in our musical career there will come many moments like this one.

I thought I would be more hours stuck in Hive, but it has not been so, I really have been very creative these days and there has been time for everything, but boy am I glad to have overcome the fear of being alone that I felt last year, I still need to work on some negative thoughts, but really these days will help me to heal, build and move on. Happy to greet you, thanks for stopping by 🙏

So sorry about the death of your dad. I really envy people that have lived with their fathers before been alone. I never knew who my dad is from the beginning. He was long gone before I was born.
And yes, death brings about loneliness. Thank God that you have come out of it now.
Thanks for sharing

Thank you very much for your words of support. You are right, the feeling of loneliness has been overcome and I feel calmer, because right now I am alone at home, but I no longer feel lonely and empty like last year. Life had other things in store for you regarding having a father, and even if you didn't know him you must have had many other blessings in his place. Thank you for reading and commenting, I send you a sincere hug!...

I love my moments of solitude, you find yourself, the inspiration and the inner chatter. It's also very necessary to have those spaces alone, eventually you need them to find your focus and your way.

Enjoy this time!

I have always, always, always loved my solitude, in fact Jhoxiris came to interrupt it haha, but now I enjoy the privileges of life as a couple, but it's not bad to have seasons like this. I avoided them the last year, and this one has come by chance, but I think it is an opportune time, since I am not the same and the day to day has not allowed me to rediscover myself and be as creative as I was before. Thank you for your words, I can tell you enjoy it as much or more than I do 😊

It's not a bad thing to have those little spaces, and it's good for the couple. Hugs Jesus!

hey hey...wait a minute? Are you getting married in such a short time? post comes out?? we want to share your happiness yes 😱🥰

On the other hand, loneliness is not evil. You discover yourself and wonderful things are born.
one of them is to cultivate self-love and ideas...successes...

Hahaha, yes my friend, I wrote a little bit about it a few weeks ago, but it's already a fact, I'm almost three years engaged. Surely there will be a post about it, but it will not be a big wedding, it will be by civil ceremony and with a very intimate toast at the end, those days we have many concerts 😅 But then, in our August vacations we hope to get married in church and do all the beautiful things that a wedding deserves, white dress, rings and so on ❤️

These days in solitude are good for me, and yes, I'm about to record some covers, but I've realized that resting is important, in fact I'm really enjoying having the bed to myself hahaha, I'm a person who sleeps very bad when I have company, I hope that when my girl comes back on Saturday night she'll find me refreshed 🤣 Thank you for your comment, I send you a big hug my dear!...

Oh dear... congratulations, I'm just finding out. I'm very happy for you and no, I didn't see the post, I'm sometimes distracted in Hive. I should pay more attention. That's good... it took my boyfriend about 6 years to ask me to marry him... it cost me hahaha, we're almost two years married and almost nine as a couple. It's not easy but if there is love everything is possible and you are just beginning how nice to see you happy. Greetings.

It's just not easy Ivana hahaha, I understand your husband and I understand that you missed Hive's publication, yesterday I realized I missed a cat post you did a few days ago....

I proposed to Jhoxiris when we had 4 years of relationship, and already this Monday we are going to be 7 and we are still not married haha, but it will be next Thursday.

Hello @jesuslnrs
I'm sorry that your girlfriend is not at home keeping you company, it must not be easy to be away from the person you love.
Take advantage of this moment of solitude to do the things you love most whenever you want.

I would have liked to do a lot more, but I have a lot of responsibilities and pending, so I will take the opportunity to catch up. Thanks again for commenting my dear...

How are you dear friend @jesuslnrs good morning
There is nothing more beautiful than having a partner by our side to share life with, and when we find her, it is very difficult to be away from her, even if it is only for a few days.
Take advantage of being alone to listen to good music or watch a television series

Greetings bro! That's right, I'm watching a series, but the rest of the time I'm studying new music for the next gig, at least I'm very active these days.

Sorry about the death of your father
I hope he rests well and you live to fulfill your dreams. I love people who have girl who sings😁😁

Hahaha, thank you, I am very happy knowing that she is having a good time, all I want is for her to do well these days that we are not together. Thank you for your comment my dear 🙏

Creo que no se trata sólo de estar solo, sino de tener tiempo para mí, para poder ejecutar todo lo que se me ocurra.

Saludos mi hermano por aquí disfrutando como siempre de tu buen contenido.

Esta frese que colocaste en tu publicación y con la que comienzo mi comentario para mi es la mas crucial, muchas veces necesitamos ese espacio a solas para volver a explotar esas ideas o talentos que tenemos y que por los afanes hemos dejado de un lado como nuestra capacidad creativa. Claro esta que también a solas abundan las dudas y algunos que otros temores, esa pequeña incertidumbre de saber como marcha todo del lado de afuera, como por ejemplo en la familia, pero Dios tiene el control de todo, así que a disfrutar cada momento , incluso esos donde estamos a solas.

Así es bro, hay que dejar todo en manos de Dios, solo El tiene el control. Lo bueno es que tengo demasiado que estudiar estos días, hay mucha música pendiente en el trabajo. Gracias por tu apoyo, feliz de leerte nuevamente 🙏