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RE: The Days Between

in Reflections10 months ago

As I don't have a kid yet, it's possible I may not be able to relate. But I do have little siblings and nephews and nieces alike. We usually take their pictures too on the first day of school and recently, we went through the gallery and simply marvelled at their growth. It's wonderful indeed.

All the best to Smallsteps and to you as well on this journey🌺


I think it might be an interesting board of 24 photos to look back on in the future. Might be funny to see the different styles throughout the years!

As I don't have a kid yet, it's possible I may not be able to relate.

Maybe, maybe not, but at least for me it does feel quite different as a parent compared to my niece and nephew.

Might be funny to see the different styles throughout the years!

I reckon, that should be quite fun. The cheery stages of these years and the dark, would I say somewhat rebellious, exuberant stage that comes with the teenage years and then that knowing serenity of adulthood. It all sounds so exciting.

I am looking forward to seeing how she progresses, but I am expecting the teen years to be terrible.