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RE: Dance In Sunlight

in Amazing Nature • 3 years ago

Crocus flowers and snowdrops I might need a special cold room to grow these just for the pleasure of seeing them 😉.

Snakes are shy, you never know one day you may see one although not sure if they happy at altitude.



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I have no idea if they would mind warmer or hot temperatures - maybe they would grow even bigger 😊

Yeah, our snakes are really shy. In the past few years I have seen one or two only.

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Snakes become active and agitated here during heat and rains, one has to be cautious and keep a look out all the time!

Great that you don't get too many and they are shy.

!BEER and !PIZZA sounds like a good combo!

And our snakes are mostly not venomous. The poison of the few that are venomous is not very dangerous.

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

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