Dance In Sunlight

in Amazing Nature2 years ago

Summer Is Coming

Feel the heat rise, the skies darken with late afternoon early evening storms after the heat pummeled you all day long, no time to squander yesterday is today and tomorrow may never come.


Amaryllidaceae family - Clivia Miniata

Dancing in the sunlight the Clivia rises to give a proper smiling face after last blooms hid under the leaves from the rain, sun has appeared once more, they grew taller to express their joy!

These evergreen plants are found in South Africa and Swaziland, now popular throughout the world. Plants bear seeds for further growth and do have some medicinal uses


Amaryllidaceae family - Clivia Miniata

Another visitor to the garden after rainfall is the Rain Lily also known as Habranthus robustus, this plant is native to South Americas Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay also very happy and at home here in Durban.


Habranthus robustus - Rain lily

Sunshine stimulates certain plants to grow after rainfall, magical moments looking up today as a heron appeared tried hitting the outer cirles of the sun halo, a cycle of life up above.


Heron playing on sun halo

This was today around midday pumping thirty degrees celcius with humdity close onto eighty percent, being a sudden change one sure does feel it!


Warm enough the Natal bush snake appears out the roof rafters to greet me today, a completely harmless snake and one I do see often when walking around the garden, look at the lovely eyes and gorgeous markings this one has.


Spotted Bush Snake - Philothamnus semivariegatus


When we walk the garden in the afternoon and see the valley filled with humidity hanging we know...


Oh the promise of lightning storms at eight tonight will surely happen, no different from last night and the night before. We have had some lovely rains, sadly flooding in certain areas where cloud bursts have run amok through a couple of towns this Spring.


All photography my own using Canon Powershot SX730 HS camera. Any queries or requests please drop a comment below or make contact with me, have a wonderful day! Photography without tripod, go with the flow wherever life takes you. NB: Amateur photographer in nature, keep smiling!

Thought for Today: "The sun shines on those who stand, before it shines on those who kneel under them. - African proverb


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The snake looks to be friendly , posing perfectly for a shot 😉

They are very pretty, a shy snake that will go on it's way if left alone.

This was today around midday pumping thirty degrees celcius

I am a little bit envy for that. I am from Hungary, and the temperature was -1 °C in the morning, and the maximum temperature was 4 °C in the afternoon.

Here I sit wishing for cooler weather, well now I look forward to seeing your photographs, I can imagine how it must be to live in cold climate.

Nice photos

Thanks @kydg have an awesome weekend.

Those are beautiful flowers and i also have some click of lily. As I seen you mentioned 30 degree heat whereas here it's very good in my country India as people so comfortable with it as in summer it gone above 50.

Yes India gets exceptionally hot and humid in summer, I could never live at those temperatures. If/when I visit it would be in the north, a region I would find fascinating and they still run trains!

50 °C? That is very hot. I do not even want to know what that feels like. I live in Hungary, and the highest temperature was 41.90 °C so far. This was on 2007.07.20.

Heat factored in with humidity is when it becomes uncomfortable.

Inland when heat is exceptionally high one does not feel it quite as bad as being in humid regions.

Yes it's here in India while summer and 30 is very good as we feel so comfortable. Sometimes here cross 55 but rarely. Here most of time heat as we never seen snow here.

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

sorry for Short reply I hurt my hand and I’m trying to rest it up and stay off work phone and keyboard as much as i can

Thanks for visiting and kind comments always, hope that finger is starting to heal, nothing worse than aches and pains during the cold season.

I have been really good with resting it up and kept it in the brace for a few days now and its less painful will see what the dr says today and what it feels like with the brace off when he checks it from Niger crossed it’s well on the way to recovery

Brace is most probably more uncomfortable than the damage done 😁, ice cream stick and good plaster is how I treat hurt fingers, easy to carry on with life... just kidding, take care and hopefully let lose soon!

I use the ice cream stick many times myself I tried that with this one initially and it was worse the brace is a pain for doing things but has helped am hoping I won’t need it after today

You sound like me, pull the MacGyver tricks first, then visit the doctor when it doesn't work 😁.

Reminds me when my one dog ran my leg out, I begged no plaster-caste doctor, only time I was happy for the leg brace... after battling to drive taking boys to/from soccer about six hours later, yup stubborn.

wow-wow and wow those flowers look so beautiful and elegant but honestly even though snakes like that are not venomous,,I'm very afraid of snakes!.

and the snake reminded me of a few weeks ago, a friend caught a non-venomous snake and told me to take a macrophotography of its head, I ran away in a hurry.

Flowers all rejoicing after rain, we had a cold spell a couple of weeks ago which I think has done many the world of good this year.

Snakes I never handle, always usher them away from the house, will photograph with a couple of meters between us 😉.

I am really scared of snakes. Even if it’s harmless 🥲🥲

Snakes have a lovely feel to touch, only ever touch when with an expert snake handler or keep your distance. Very useful in nature and do a lot of good!

What I have known all my life is that it is harmful and that has been why I’ve been careful not to get in contact with one

Perhaps one day you will get the opportunity and not feel scared, they really are lovely.

😫😫😫😫I don’t think I can 😕😕

Fortunately we are all different, I am sure snakes don't enjoy being handled either.

Yeah they don’t

Wow such a beautiful flowers😍
Am I the only one who felt that, snake is posing for the picture😅 To be honest I love snakes and obviously pictures are soo soothing.

Flowers have been stunning this year, snake must have decided it was warm enough to come out greeting me around ten in the morning. Snake probably lives under verandah ceiling as it is warm and will have skinks and geckos available for food source.

Beautiful flowers, I like them, but not so much the heat. I know the clivia by its name, but I wouldn't recognise it if I saw one, to be honest 😉

What a nice and beautiful snake. Of course, I would be scared at first, but when you say it's harmless I would love to touch it or even hold it. You are very right, the eyes are lovely 😊

!BEER and !WINE - both make a nice dinner with !PIZZA :)

After cold spell a couple of weeks ago I think some flowers after this last rain decided it was time to bloom, really a lovely surprise to have them flowering again.

This particular snake we see quite often, it's the ones you don't see you worry about. Now with all the rain one does has to be more cautious when the heat starts rising.

They know when it's safe to bloom. Here the early Spring flowers grow up through the last snow.

In that case we would have to be cautious all the time, because we usually don't see any snakes 😂

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Your early Spring flowers are always a magical sight with snow around I have seen some great photography of them.

Oh you do have snakes, hiking boots would be protection just watch when entering huts that have not been used in Winter they do like dry snug spots to warm up.


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Oh yes, it's already warm and the ground isn't frozen anymore, but the snow takes it's time to melt. Crocus flowers and snowdrops and some other flowers don't want to wait till the white stuff is gone 😃

I can't remember to ever have seen a snake inside a hut. They usually go to sleep for the Winter before the last people leave the huts, and it's really seldom that you see a snake anyway, but that depends where you are, of course.

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Crocus flowers and snowdrops I might need a special cold room to grow these just for the pleasure of seeing them 😉.

Snakes are shy, you never know one day you may see one although not sure if they happy at altitude.


I have no idea if they would mind warmer or hot temperatures - maybe they would grow even bigger 😊

Yeah, our snakes are really shy. In the past few years I have seen one or two only.

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

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