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RE: Dance In Sunlight

in Amazing Nature3 years ago

Oh yes, it's already warm and the ground isn't frozen anymore, but the snow takes it's time to melt. Crocus flowers and snowdrops and some other flowers don't want to wait till the white stuff is gone 😃

I can't remember to ever have seen a snake inside a hut. They usually go to sleep for the Winter before the last people leave the huts, and it's really seldom that you see a snake anyway, but that depends where you are, of course.

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)


Crocus flowers and snowdrops I might need a special cold room to grow these just for the pleasure of seeing them 😉.

Snakes are shy, you never know one day you may see one although not sure if they happy at altitude.


I have no idea if they would mind warmer or hot temperatures - maybe they would grow even bigger 😊

Yeah, our snakes are really shy. In the past few years I have seen one or two only.

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Snakes become active and agitated here during heat and rains, one has to be cautious and keep a look out all the time!

Great that you don't get too many and they are shy.

!BEER and !PIZZA sounds like a good combo!

And our snakes are mostly not venomous. The poison of the few that are venomous is not very dangerous.

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

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