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RE: Some beautiful sights here on Valentines Day!

in Amazing Nature3 years ago

I had my last steak some time last year and I love grilled Calamari 😁

I believe you that the burger you make is better, but sometimes a Mac burger is nice, but of course I prefer self made ones 😉

I'm never on discord, and so I'm very happy to hear that Lulu is doing better 😊 Please tell JJ my greetings and best wishes for Lulu when you chat next time.

Cheers and !BEER


Yeah, with all of the price increases a decent thick steak has moved beyond us 😥
Yeah, grilled Calamari is very nice and I like to eat it with grilled Halloumi cheese.

I will certainly pass your message on to JJ today my friend.
We have been walking with him every day since she fell, but now I am giving him space, as he nurses her and he only sends me progress messages.

Cheers and thanks.

This cheese belongs to the few things I don't really like to eat, honestly 😉

Thank you for telling him. Their life in New Bedford started so good and I hope it will be good again soon 😊

Cheers and !BEER

Halloumi grilled in finger lengths are delicious Hannes, especially eaten with a hot chili dip.
We now have two new tomatoe chilli plants and the fruits that look like cocktail tomatoes are very hot.
Even the birds and animals don't touch them 🤣

He has not answered me yet, but I let him be.

Cheers and thanks!

I tried it and I didn't like the consistence, but if I was hungry I would eat it anyway ;)

I think I know these hot tomatoes. When I was younger I loved hot meals and ate Sicilian chilli peppers, but when the kids were born we began to eat less flavored ... and I have become used of it.

Yes, he should take his time and help his wife. That's more important, and we will wait anyway :)

Cheers and !BEER

To each his own my friend.

Yeah and now I am waiting to do the second bottle of chilli tomatoe dip.
I crush the tomatoes in a bottle, fill it with pure lemon juice, add a teaspoon of salt and then let the bottle sit for a few weeks. That dip blows one's ears off 🤣
It is great to clean one's system with it.

JJ said thank you and he sends his regards.

Cheers and thanks!

Years ago I used a bottle of whiskey to clean my system - to reset the harddisk.

Thanks for the greetings 😀

Cheers and !BEER

Amazing to think that we were once like that. It seems to me like past chapter in a book and that we now are now in the next chapter. I am now in the retirement chapter and you will soon join me in your own 🤣

Cheers and thanks.

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