Summer shirt made from a summer dress / 新しい夏のシャツを作りました

in NeedleWorkMonday2 years ago


Last week I wrote that I was about to sewing a summer shirt from my favorite summer dress. I liked the dress and wore a lot. Unfortunately the fabric under one arm has become thinner. The fabric of the skirt part is still fine. So I decided to sew a shirt with the fabric.

As my family is traveling to my partner's parents' place and I'm now alone at home, my Sunday turned to be a sewing boot camp 😁 I was sewing sewing sewing the shirt while I listened to Bitcoin related podcasts such as Bitcoin Standard Podcast.

I thought about sewing the upper part of the dress in the photo below.

........................ but after I made the pattern, I found that I didn't have enough fabric. I under estimated how much the front fly design need fabric 😱 That's sewing!

I improvised a design. Although I had to give up the front fly, I'm glad that I can keep a button on the neck line. The button is one of the buttons I got from my partner's aunt few years ago. It's a bit purple shiny shell button.

After I finished sewing and tried it on, I found it was too wide. It was probably because I just made a dress pattern short for shirt. So I tightened the shirt and done!

Don't see the photos in detail ... I wore it already and there are some winkles 😅



I'm quite satisfied with the result. It's a good fit, neither too loose nor too tight. And linen is always good for summer.

That's my Needlework Monday. Happy Needlework Monday to all!

気に入っていたワンピースの生地が一部薄くなってしまっていたので、シャツに作り替えました。もともと作りたかったデザインでは生地が足りず急遽デザインを変えたり、作り終わったらなんだかぶわっとしていて幅を直したりでしたが、無事出来上がりました。相方と子どもは旅行中なので机を片付けるのもサボって1日ほど洋裁に没頭していました・・・Bitcoin Standard ポッドキャストなどを聴きながら。


そんなこんなの針仕事の月曜日です。編み物や洋裁、刺繍など針を使った手仕事をされたら Needlework Monday コミュニティに投稿してみてはいかがでしょうか 😊

 2 years ago  

I like the fold at the backside of the blouse, this gives a nice flare to the design. It fits you really well and good you came up with a solution for the neckline <3

Danke @neumannsalva. Ja I'm glad that I could make change on the neckline. I wonder why I was so optimistic about the amount of fabric 😂

 2 years ago  

I can tell you: you had to much contact with my hazardous sewing techniques :-DDDDD I am joking... actually for the last sewing projects I bought more than enough fabric (instead of the tiny scraps I usually buy) But because of the exhibition I have hardly time to sew... I hope I did not forget everything.
But I really hope you will sew the whole dress one day... 🙏

For sewing, often more is more (not less is more) 😁 Actually I just have to buy few meters of dark blue or black linen, which I use for sure ... Ja that's a good idea. I'll do so when I buy this kind of fabric next time.
Good luck for the exhibition and take care. It was sooooo hot in my place yesterday (38 degrees!).

congratulations! wonderful result! The blouse turned out great! 😃

Thanks @tali72! I'm enjoy wearing it now 😊

Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

HI @qurator. Thank you for curating my post 😊

Ohh thats so nice to see how it turned out!! I absolutely love the neckline and how it looks on you:) and well its nice you can keep on wearing it in a different form now..:)

Thanks @kesityu.fasion! Happy to read your comment. I'm happy that I could save money for new fabric and make my favorite dress revive :)

Beautiful thanks for sharing

Its been a while I sewed a shirt, I only make shirt dresses since am a dress lover.

I like the pleat at the back and yes we have improvise for every sewing mistake.

Beautiful. Welldone

I don't know why but I like short pant + shirt these days. I liked dresses a lot for last years especially in summer. I still like dresses though 😊 So sewing a shirt dress would be a good mixture. Thanks for the inspiration, @monica-ene 🙌
