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RE: Focus Challenge A dress-shirt and bordered underskirt

LOVE it!!! 😍
Especially seeing how you create the shapes and forms of this dress, I can really feel the flow you follow in your work, and it seems very "easy" and natural how you create each shape after the other.
Like when I saw that cushion-cover, no way I would have thought it would become the neckline, and how neatly the details fit just in the right place...
It was beautiful to watch.
(oh and awesome to see all the details and stitches in your lovely photos!! I guess it was definitely worth carrying the mannequin all the way up😅)



Oooooh, thank you SOOO much dearest !! This is such welcome praise!!

Yes: I was just commenting on @emma-h 's drawing post, about how powerful the process of working spontaneously is - ultimately it re-enlivens our connection with Source, and with the divine harmony of co-creation: all things just fall into place.
I was making a 'disaster dress' earlier this week, and it made me recognise where I get stuck, if I attempt to over-ride my organic process, and dictate too strongly the kinds of things I want to make! It was all heavy and unharmonious.
Now I'm working on a multipurpose bikini top - like a bra, but much more comfortable! - and am noticing how important it is to work slowly and ALLOW the steps to unfold divinely - not to force the materials, but to just listen and tweak.. it is so pleasure-full when it comes together, even if I am nowhere near the mastery I really want to have - but I am getting there!!!

Much love and gratitude to you for commenting, dear friend!