Focus Challenge A dress-shirt and bordered underskirt

in NeedleWorkMonday11 months ago


Dearest Needleworker Friends - I am so excited to share with you all today!

I just got my photographs organised nicely, and am trying to put them together here in chronological order, though I don't work in a linear fashion, as you should know by now!


This week I worked on multiple needlework projects, used my sewing machine more than usual, and brought some elements together into a happy summer outfit which I am very excited to wear soon - it just got ragingly hot here in south Italy. Above is the most successful aspect of what I created: the bordered underskirt and the dress-shirt/ shirtdress on top...


The dress-shirt was made from this, above: a kind of duvet or giant cushion cover, which I had used the other side of in a different project.
And the underskirt was made from this old-school nightgown, below:


For the latter, the underskirt, first I chopped off the skirt part, leaving space for the waistband with elastic inside...


...and then removed a beautiful strip of this lovely stitchwork, from one of my many vintage cushion covers. It was a RIDICULOUSLY laborious job, to unstitch these tiny vintage stitches!



... and sewed it into the bottom of the new skirt. It was a joy to take the rumpled needlework and lovingly untangle it, then to iron it into its original perfection once more...


Sewing it into the bottom border was a very satisfying work, also: I made several runs with the machine, in white thread, to secure the organic form of the stitching in place.


The finished skirt is really beautiful, for me! My perfect underskirt: cool cotton for summer, but also a sufficient layering piece for winter. A nice length, and glorious border to show under another skirt/ dress of either white or of a contrasting colour: I love a visible underskirt - when it's suitably gorgeous!


A final detail I added: to differentiate the front from the back. This was the first time I consciously made the skirt bigger at the back, which helps a lot in how it sits on my body - I have a lovely large behind! - a few red stitches sewn into the back of the waistband, help me if I'm in a rush, to know which way around it goes!


Onwards with the shirtdress: I draped the vintage cotton from the duvet/ cushion cover, onto my mannequin, and explored how this inner diamond-shaped edging might be reinforced to create a neckline...


Whilst also shaping the back: I wanted a tent-like structure, overall, and was thinking that I could half-belt it finally, if I could get the integral form to fall right on the body...


Jumping forward to the final piece: you can see where I belted it, and how the underskirt sits below the dress - though imperfectly positioned here in the photo!


This basic form was what I'd imagined initially, though I had to tweak and play with the sleeve form a fair bit.


And I added these wedges, triangles of more beautiful old white cotton from another bed linen something-or-other, to the front and back middle-seams of the dress... then sewed the hem neatly. Most of this work was done by first pinning on the mannequin, and then taking the dress over to the machine to sew with a simple stitch. VERY rewarding work!


This is the top of one of the triangles: you can see some of the original stitching, which so beautifully complements the shapes I cut into the form.



Another example; the shoulders have this perfect wee swirl, which sits nicely where the curve of the shoulder begins. I love how details like this 'happen' to fall so fortuitously.


Some details of how the back cascades, and below, how the floral details are - I adored this cover as soon as I saw it on the 50c or the 1 Euro stall: it has such beautiful simplicity and sacred geometry, and I adore bringing that focus OUT OF the domestic setting and into the public realm, as it were, by making it into clothing which highlights the lovely details...


And the belt: this was a bit messy - not as perfect as I wanted it to be - probably because I was too excited to finish, and rushed the trimming around the belt holes. 😏


I hummed and hawed about what belt buckle to put on it - and ended up loving this plastic clicker: then I took an old apron strap and made it into a belt.


It was SUCH A DELIGHT to put the belt on for the first time: at least to me, it looks splendid!


Some final details of close-up on the neckline: this was the original shaping of the edges of this internal hole, which I assume was for a duvet or small mattress cover. I love the edges, and again, wanted to feature them in the dress. This is the front:


And the back:


And the whole front again: as I mentioned before, I didn't line up the underskirt so well as I might have, but it gives you the over-all view of how it worked out. 😍 😇 I'm just starting to use the iron for the first time, in preparing fabrics during and after sewing - it's a powerful tool!


And finally... to give you an idea of some of the steps I have to carry the mannequin up, to get to the top street for photographing!



Sending big LOVE and encouragement to you, whatever you are creating today...




LOVE it!!! 😍
Especially seeing how you create the shapes and forms of this dress, I can really feel the flow you follow in your work, and it seems very "easy" and natural how you create each shape after the other.
Like when I saw that cushion-cover, no way I would have thought it would become the neckline, and how neatly the details fit just in the right place...
It was beautiful to watch.
(oh and awesome to see all the details and stitches in your lovely photos!! I guess it was definitely worth carrying the mannequin all the way up😅)


Oooooh, thank you SOOO much dearest !! This is such welcome praise!!

Yes: I was just commenting on @emma-h 's drawing post, about how powerful the process of working spontaneously is - ultimately it re-enlivens our connection with Source, and with the divine harmony of co-creation: all things just fall into place.
I was making a 'disaster dress' earlier this week, and it made me recognise where I get stuck, if I attempt to over-ride my organic process, and dictate too strongly the kinds of things I want to make! It was all heavy and unharmonious.
Now I'm working on a multipurpose bikini top - like a bra, but much more comfortable! - and am noticing how important it is to work slowly and ALLOW the steps to unfold divinely - not to force the materials, but to just listen and tweak.. it is so pleasure-full when it comes together, even if I am nowhere near the mastery I really want to have - but I am getting there!!!

Much love and gratitude to you for commenting, dear friend!

You gave it yourself all like a perfect seamstress.
I like the last picture more it was a perfect modeling position and location for your picture.
Well done dear

Your lovely comment is MUCH appreciated, dearest @monica-ene ! I really needed a boost of support this week, and have found a great wealth of encouragement on Hive! I love this community!!


Just seeing those pictures relaxes me, I bet it must be awesome to watch you work! That piece sure looks lovely and comfortable, too!


Thanks for this lovely comment, dear @drrune !!

Yes, it certainly is super-comfy and cool for the summer - it makes me so happy to make my own garments like this! And yes, maybe I'll get someone to do some filming of the process and make a short video one day: it'd be nice to show the slowness of it all - I'm often discussing this with the beautiful NeedleworkMonday community here: about the power and alchemy of the hand-stitch and the very slow fashion! ( does such glorious posts around this!)
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, hopefully, on the Co-Creation Session 😇

Ooh a video would be awesome!! I was just thinking about trying out filming a bit myself (but for sure it is even more challenging, than reminding oneself to take pictures of the process) 😄

 11 months ago  

Hi Clare :) What a touch you gave this outfit to make it beautiful. I loved how you took advantage of the edges of the fabric to create a beautiful neckline, and the belt also matched perfectly. As for the petticoat, that lace trim looks great, and having a little red stitched on it to tell front from back will come in handy for your future self. Well done ☺️.

Thank you beautiful friend, @lauramica !! It has been so great having your and the Needlework community's support in my advancing my skills... Your positive comments mean such a lot to me, with my fragile ego around stepping into a new realm of creative outpouring and body empowerment!


Stunning dress!
Great work
and beautiful pictures :<)

That pic of the mannequin at the top of the stairs made me smile.

Is it heavy?

Awww, thanks lovely @vincentnijman ! No, it's really light - just a bit cumbersome carrying it up such steep steps, also with a camera around my neck! But all worth it - I'm imagining setting up all kinds of photo shoots in the many picturesque places around the old town... So good to break into new realms of creative expression, eh!

I like your ideas :>)

and YES to this:

So good to break into new realms of creative expression, eh!


I love this dress, it looks beautiful, it's like a sculpture, it's so delicate, you really shined with this work 😍

THANK YOU for this gorgeous response, dear @youyowi ! It really encourages me to keep going on this steep learning curve! Today I am trying to complete a difficult bikini top project... and am looking forward to sharing about it, if it is successful 🙃

White dresses always have this exquisite feeling attached to them. I totally love this dress; it looks complex and simple at the same time

Oooooh, @wongi - what a beautiful postive comment for me to receive - THANK you hugely. And yes, I agree: it doesn't feel anything like as perfect as I wish it to be, and I am nervous to wear it out, BUT it is a step in the right direction! With your support, I keep moving!

I'm certain it would come out really nice and it would fit you perfectly.

I love the result @clareartista, you did a great work there!😍
Beautiful dress the color and the fabric is ideal for hot summer days, I am sure you are gonna wear it a lot!

I do hope to: many thanks indeed for this wonderfully supportive comment, dear friend @illusivelf !


You are welcome, I always enjoy seeing your works!😊