Hello all @holozing people, the truth was disconnected because the pc exploded into pieces and had not been able to enter giving login to hive, out of curiosity I saw the challenge of #Zingtober, although somewhat late for reasons of getting another pc and install keychain.
For the stroke I thought of the girl (the female light healer) and the challenge of the day has to do with the violin object.
As it is known music affects animals or plants, if you play classical music to a cow it will be relaxed and give good milk, the same with flowers and fruits.
So I thought that if the girl plays adrenaline and fast music like violin scores, the creature could evolve to a different version, in this case a dragon form of plant that is somewhat more muscular and acquires elements of fire by the power of violin music.
Hola gente toda de @holozing , la verdad andaba desconectado porque el pc exploto en pedazos y no habia podido ingresar dando login a hive, por curiosidad vi el reto de #Zingtober, aunque algo tarde por razones de conseguir otro pc e instalar keychain
Para el trazo pense en en la chica (the female light healer) y pues el reto del dia tiene que ver con el objeto violín.
Como es sabido la musica afecta a los animales o plantas, si le poners musica clasica a una vaca estara relajada y dara buena leche, así mismo con flores y frutas.
Por ello pensé que si la chica toca musica adrenalinica y rapida como partituras de violin, la criatura podria evolucionar a una version diferente, en este caso una forma dragonica de planta que es algo mas musculosa y adquiere elementos de fuego por el poder de la musica del violin

drawing stages
drawing stages

a geometrical sketch to define how much space in size the figures on the sheet will cover
un boceto geometrico para definir que tanto espacio en tamaño abarcaran las figuras en la hoja

start adding the element of the challenge day (violin) and characteristics to the girl
comenzar a añadir el elemento del dia del reto (violin) y características a la chica

some dark elements with ink
algunos elementos oscuros con tinta

start making dragon figure with steroid abuse
empezar a hacer la figura dragonica con abuso de esteroides

used ballpoint pens, red, blue, black
bolígrafos usados, rojo, azul, negro

references used
- the female light healer
- dragon evolution Grass Type

resources used
resources used

paper, pens, cell phone
Tecno Spark 10 Pro
DeepL Translate
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