Splinterlands Battle | Beatrix Ironhand.

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

Splinterlands Battle | Beatrix Ironhand.

Welcome to my blog where I'll share my winning battle with Beatrix Ironhand on the battlefield.

Edited with PixelLab.

Edition: UNTAMED
Rarity: EPIC
Element: EARTH
ABILITIES: Close Range at level 1; Thorns at level 3; Cripple at level 5

Holding a huge blade on hand, this lady (I'm not addressing her as a monster) looks so awesome. Then I've made up my mind that someday I'd try her on the battlefield. Its specialty lies in its "Close Range" ability that unlocks at the first level and that ability allows it to attack from the first position even after being a ranged attacker.

I've used this ninja lady in level 1 on the battlefield with 2 ranged attacks, 4 speed & 5 health with the "Close Range" ability, and it needs 6 mana to join a battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

A Brief Info About The Battle

The battle mana cap was 20 with the "Healed Out & Earthquake" rule where I've used the earth splinter with 4 monsters and my opponent also used the earth splinter with 5 monsters.

My Lineup.


I had Nectar Queen in level 1, Beatrix Ironhand in level 1, Khmer Princess in level 1 & Furious Chicken in level 1.

And my opponent had his/her cards as Nectar Queen in level 1, Screeching Vulture in level 1, Centaur in level 1, Creeping Ooze (Gold) in level 1 & Furious Chicken in level 1.

Let me talk about monsters that I used in this battle.

No 01: Nectar Queen (Common Earth Monster)

Unlike most queen bees, Nectar Queen is a vampire bee that lusts for a real taste for blood.

This bee is so powerful with a big melee attack and health.
I normally like to use this monster in every big mana battle in the first position.

My Nectar Queen is in level 1 with 4 melee attacks, 2 speeds, 10 health with the "Flying" ability and it needs 9 mana for battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

No 02: Beatrix Ironhand (EPIC Earth Monster)

My mind was taken away by this ninja lady of untamed edition a long ago when it first came to existence especially for its mind-blowing look. Holding a huge blade on hand, this lady (I'm not addressing her as a monster) looks so awesome. Then I've made up my mind that someday I'd try her on the battlefield. Its speciality lies in its "Close Range" ability that unlocks at the first level and that ability allows it to attack from the first position even after being a ranged attacker.

I've used this ninja lady in level 1 on the battlefield with 2 ranged attacks, 4 speed & 5 health with the "Close Range" ability, and it needs 6 mana to join a battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

No 03: Khmer Princess (Rare Earth Monster)

Princess Sipha is the only princess among her seven sisters that survived the wars and she will do whatever it takes to ensure the survival of her Khmer people. From the appearance of this princess, she looks like a gold statue.

I've used Khmer Princess in level 1 with 1 magic attack, 1 speed & 2 health and it needs 10 mana to play.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

No 04: Furious Chicken (Rare Neutral Monster)

This is the card that I use when there's a slot left but no mana left. I mean its service is great for free I suppose. Right now... I can't imagine playing a match without this card.
It's like the chicken that lays the golden egg. It provides great support with its counterattack. With 0 mana... it's just amazing.

My Furious Chicken is in level 1 with 1 speed, 1 health and It needs 0 mana to play.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

On the battlefield.

For a better experience, you may watch the battle direct from the splinterlands official website from the link below.

Link to the battle.


For the special buff of my summoner Mylor Crowling, All my monsters got the "Thorns" ability at the beginning of the battle. And for the special buff of my opponent's summoner Lyanna Natura, all the monsters of my opponent got +1 health each. And for the special ability "Slow" of my opponent's Creeping Ooze, only my Beatrix Ironhand and Nectar Queen lost 1 speed each although every monster of my team could've lost 1 speed each if they had more than 1 speed but only my Beatrix Ironhand and Nectar Queen had more than 1 speed.

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Then... for being the most speed holder, my Beatrix Ironhand started the battle with its first attack on my opponent's Nectar Queen and killed 2 health out of 11, and right after that, my opponent's Centaur attacked and killed 1 health of my Beatrix Ironhand. Then my opponent's Screeching Vulture grilled my Furious Chicken although my Chicken used the "Thorns" ability and killed 2 health of my opponent's Screeching Vulture before leaving the battlefield and then it left the battlefield.

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Then my opponent's Nectar Queen attacked and killed 4 health of my Nectar Queen and the opponent's Nectar Queen also lost 2 health because of the "Thorns" of my Nectar Queen. And then my Khmer Princess attacked and killed 1 more health of my opponent's Nectar Queen.

Then there came a new round and the earthquake started and first, my opponent's Centaur lost 2 health, and Creeping Ooze and Furious Chicken had to leave the battlefield for being caught in the earthquake. And then my Beatrix Ironhand lost 2 health and my Khmer Princess had to leave the battlefield for the same reason.

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My Beatrix Ironhand attacked my opponent's Nectar Queen and missed and then my opponent's Centaur also attacked my Beatrix Ironhand and missed. Then my opponent's Nectar Queen attacked and killed 4 health of my Nectar Queen but then the opponent monster had to leave the battlefield cause my Nectar Queen used "Thorns" and drank the last drop of blood of my opponent's Nectar Queen. And then my opponent's Srceeching Vulture came forward to the first position and my Nectar Queen drank the last drop of blood of this opponent monster as well. Then the Centaur of my opponent came forward to the first position.

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Then again the earthquake happened and my opponent's Centaur lost 2 health while my Beatrix Ironhand had to leave the battlefield. Then at last my Nectar Queen attacked and killed the Centaur of my opponent and ended the battle.

The battle got finished in round 3 while my team only had the Nectar Queen alive. All my monsters did great on the battlefield.

Battle Results


By playing this battle, I won +30.608 Dec and +19 League Rating.

If you're interested in playing the splinterlands game then you should start it.
Here is the link to the official websites which is also my affiliate link.

Photos of the thumbnail and other splinterlands related photos and sentences are properties of splinterlands and the above GIFs were created through EZGif.

** The End **

"Be Good, Think Good and Do Good"

"Stay Home, Stay Safe & Let's Beat Corona".


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Nice battle. it seems that you also had quite a difficult fight. congrats on your victory.

By the way maybe you know why your post got a posh reply? Sometimes I share my twitter links in discord and get that reply and sometimes nothing happens. So I thought that splinterlands posts don't get that reply...


I'm not sure but I guess sometimes the bot gets sick and that time you don't get the reply.
I also don't get a reply all the time.

I see. thank you.

Wow, this is a very well written SL post!

Now, that would be cool to have a beginners strategy guide explaining the positions of cards and fundamentals in placement, what it would be cool to better understand the patterns of the game.

Wow, this is a very well-written SL post!

Thank you.

Now, that would be cool to have a beginners strategy guide explaining the positions of cards and fundamentals in placement, what it would be cool to better understand the patterns of the game.

Yeah, I'll try to share something from my self learning.

Thanks man... I am really loving that logo you made!

Again, great job!



Nice animated post, you put so much effort to make that!

Thanks for the compliment.

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