What Did TheyCallMeDan Say About the GamePlay of Ragnarok Already?

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

Everyone got really excited after Dan tweeted about his new game, Ragnarok.

Dan's tweet about his new pvp game

Not me, I already knew about it, and told you too, the way I understood it from Dan & Matt's podcast.

They talk for quite a while about the new game, if you want to know more from the source, listen to the podcast. It starts around timestamp 45:30, if I still remember right.

Also, keep an eye on his account @theycallmedan for a post about the game, as he mentioned in a tweet.


Ragnarok - the destruction of the universe and everything in it... If you watch the news, that can happen any day now... So, we'd better be prepared. :)

I know most of the attention is drawn to the SIP-like funding mechanism that will keep sucking HBD in and pay out interest to players, and by the airdrop, but I want to poke more into the gameplay side of things, especially because it's not common.

In the podcast, Dan mentioned, without delving a lot into details, that Ragnarok is a

three part thing, with chess, then it goes into a sort of a Hearthstone-style mixed with 1v1 that has a poker element too. I know it sounds crazy, but it flows very nicely and I'm very excited.

I assume everyone knows what chess is, even if one plays it or not. So it starts with a strategic (maybe turned-based?) component.

The simplest way to explain Hearthstone for someone who didn't play it (me included!), is a turned-based Splinterlands. Otherwise, it's still two opponents, two (larger) teams and a hero. Strategically, it's a different game than Splinterlands, but one can easily grasp these elements if one played Splinterlands.

1v1 is a shooter. I'm not particularly skilled at shooters, so I rarely play them. Gamers who prefer them surely know more about it.

Now, this is kind of confusing, just by hearing about it:

Hearthstone-style mixed with 1v1 that has a poker element too

A turned-based Splinterlands (sorry Hearthstone fans!), combined with a shooter and with elements of poker...

Now, I assume, although that might be off-base, the element of poker might involve elements of luck. I don't want to go further with my imagination, because these poker elements can go in many directions.

But I really want to see what they came up with for a combination between a turned-based card game and a shooter.

What is interesting about this game is that it has elements from different types of games. You like turned-based games? Here's chess and Hearthstone components for you. You like realtime games? There's 1v1 component for you (or Hearthstone combined with 1v1, however it will be).

You like strategy? You'll have it. You like action? You'll have it.

I believe Ragnarok has the potential to quickly become one of the top games on Hive. If the gameplay won't be too confusing, it will rapidly rise to second most used app on Hive, in my opinion, and one of the most active in the crypto sphere.


This definitely sounds very exciting. Let's see what this poker element means. Sometimes I have the feeling that on hive it's christmas every day lol

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I'm anxious for more details from Dan. And yep, these days, it seems like on Hive early Christmas arrived, and it will be much longer than 3 days. :)

Looking forward to further game info. Thanks for the update

Thanks. I hope to hear more about it soon too.


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