Splinterlands: A Rare Way To Beat The Expensive Mylor Crowling

in Splinterlands4 months ago (edited)


Make no mistake, the Mylor Crowling is one summoner I hate so much and why is this? Because I cannot afford him. Of course, isn't this obvious, we despise what we cannot afford. One BCX of the Mylor is about $3.97 so getting a level two should be about $20 imagine that for a level 2 summoner. This card is rare, old generation, strong, and specifically gives you the thorn ability. For a card that isn't so versatile, you might wonder why it's so expensive.

My opponent fielded a more expensive lineup

I feel that this is because it's old generation and most of these cards hardly lose value. If I had $200 at the moment, for shopping, I'd probably get a level 2 of this and go shopping, of course, this is a pipe dream as I can't even afford a quarter of this. So I've faced the Mylor a lot of times and believe me, I feel like I've lost 90% of the time, even when I field a level 3 summoner, I mostly lose and this is specifically because the Ruleset says thorn.


This (Thorn) is a very tricky Ruleset and the reason why I say this is because a lot of people do not have a summoner as the Mylor. The Mylor is not versatile. If you play it in any other ruleset, except Thorn, you're going to lose and lose emphatically. So, the fact that it's not so popular and versatile makes it unique, rare, expensive, and grand. It's a summoner that'll help you keep the value on your money, but you're quite limited on how often you can use this.

It's up for rent, and I didn't calculate how much you could rent it. As I pointed out, Ruleset plays a major role in how to play this summoner. For example, playing a "no magic" Ruleset for example, it might not be necessary that the Ruleset has to be thorn alone. Manipulating or predicting your opponents strategy especially when you're certain they won't play magic





The Game

In this match,there was no stipulated Ruleset. What my opponent did was to half any potential magic attack, by using the mushroom seer. (this guy is about 1.5$ per BCX) especially if I was planning on fielding one, then he went to use Queen Mycelia, which gives protection shield. So he was prepared for whatever his opponent might bring to the fight and to even maximize the effect of the thorn, he went on to field the legendary Kron The Undying. (at 19$ per BCX this is one of the most dangerous cards in the game).

I didn't suspect any foul play and immediately I saw his summoner and lineup, I thought it was over, but never underestimate the power of the legendary Possibilius the wise with reach and trample ability, this guy gives all melee attack these abilities and when they're on ramage, they can take out any lineup in just one round.

So once again I played with my Costal sentry, giving it the inspire ability with my Herondale in fact, all my melee cards got the inspire ability, and then I fielded my legendary Djinn Oshannus to give protection to the costal sentry. This guy (CS) did all the damage. With his double strike, he took out 50% of the enemy's lineup. Although the Thorn ability of my opponent's lineup finished him off, but the resurrect ability of the Herondale brought him back, and I finished the game. Defeating the Likes of Kron the Undying.


This Guy is A Gamer

It was clear this guy knew his onions, he understood what he wanted to do, but he didn't predict I'd field a melee-based attack that could take out the Mylor Crowling. It's another lesson, this is to make it known that the legendary Possibilius the wise is amongst one of the best summoners in the game, and I'm truly blessed to have him, we only have 602 of guy's gold foil and I'm lucky to own one of these 602 that's available throughout the game. It's my most prized/priced asset. @depressedfuckup This is one of the summoners you should consider renting someday. This guy is formidable

investing in CL in 2021 wasn't a mistake at all. I got this guy during the drop and I can't tell you how much I've won with this guy. A true beast at heart, the Possibilius the wise

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I've got a spare lvl 3 Mylor that i'm not using at the moment. Will delegate it so you can use it in battle.

Good gracious, thanks a million. Thanks for all the delegations, I've been able to go far with them. Thanks for this one too.

Happy to hear the cards have been of some help :)

!1UP Good work!


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Thank you 🙏

Nicely done! I tend to go with a heavy magic attack when I think the thorn monsters are coming and armor up. Nice choice on the summoner, it awesome the you have a GF copy. Definitely a prized possession for sure!

How are you doing today?

I didn't even know the guy would come up with a Mylor. It was neutral Ruleset. Maybe he just intended to catch me by surprise, but this just shows that the Possibilius is underrated to some extend.

it awesome the you have a GF copy. Definitely a prized possession for sure!

Yeah, probably my most prized asset. I should have invested more back in the day when I could afford some of the cards I don't have.

How are you doing today?

Trying deep breathing to reduce my heart rate all day.

Still alive, it's becoming a hassle to deal with but it's not something I can well afford to ignore...

Well, it's a situation of no option. There are people who have options, but the only option is to keep pushing as hard as one can, I guess.

@josediccus! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thebighigg. (7/50)

If you play it in any other ruleset, except Thorn

Man, if the summoner already gives monsters the thorns ability, wouldn’t it be a waste to use it again in a battle with the thorns ruleset? Or is it that the summoner will amplify the thorns ability in this particular ruleset?

This is one of the summoners you should consider renting someday. This guy is formidable

Yeah I’ve actually had my eye on this summoner because I’ve been looking for alternatives that allow me to keep Grum away from second position and still attacking. I think this is a great summoner for that. And considering Grum’s brute power, the trample will be a huge advantage. Given the right circumstances, he could buff up twice from one attack if he knocks two enemies out at once.

Basically, if the ruleset says "all melee" no magic. Then playing the Mylor means your opponent will inevitably Field melee cards. Since thorn mostly affect melee cards, this guy can take you out in a battle where only melee and range cards are allowed..

It was a mistake. It's true there's no need to field this when the ruleset says Thorn. Basically, you get to field this if the Ruleset doesn't allow for magic cards to be fielded.

Exactly my thoughts. Thanks for the clarification:)

@depressedfuckup so Charcoal delegated me a Mylor to use for a while, so I'll be delegating you a few cards to be playing with, across different elements. Maybe 4, 5 or 6 cards

Yooooo this is amazing!!!! Thanks so much, man. Thank you as well, @charcoalbuffet:)

No worries, I'll scout the cards, and soon you'll get them all. What's your username on splinterlands?

They're not high quality cards, they'll basic but they'll do the job


Thanks a lot, man. Seriously. I appreciate you.

Nice win. I haven't fought Mylor in a long while because I am in modern but I remember losing a lot to it. That inspired coastal sentry is definitely deadly.

You're right, the inspired coastal sentry is a beast, Infact even when it was resurrected, the job was already done.

Congratulations on the beautiful setup and victory. It’s always a challenge coming up agains maylor and taking it down is a confidence boost.

True, thank you. The Mylor is a beast

It looks like Mylor Crowlings is a very strong card but you were able to bring it down
Congratulations to you!

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