
Well I did talk about NFT's a little also haha, anyway having a gimmick seems to work for everyone else mine is I have no clue and stuffs. Not creating nft's for me really I guess I could, but more looking at as a badge system etc and wanted to know what are the viable markets since anything on ETH is shit but Opensea the one aggregator I know does not seem to support BSC and BSC ecosystem still rather trash but although wax is better I do not like the way they operate and hopefully Trustwallet and Opensea start aggregating more chains then it would probably be a toss up between Fantom, Sol and Tezos with Tezos seemingly the main one now. Just for making and selling I think Tezos is the best option for most and as a backup I guess they can use NFTShowroom on hive but some form of interoperability and a global aggregator will need to arise.

Also I am just lucky when my auto votes catch on and take their money back then I will get no more monies and might have to write about recipes or world news and shit.

Now that was a mouthful lol and a lot to process. But it looks like you have it all figured out. Channeling that inner tech savant!

Lol the auto voters don't read that's the beauty of it. You impressed them with your able now you going to the moon lol